Back in June, I wrote about Coping With Being the Other Woman, which gave tips for any woman who had found herself relegated to second place because of being with someone else’s man. Ultimately, my advice was and is not to cope. However, the stories and emails that came through from women who have found themselves in this situation surprised me.

First, there is a reason these people have been searching for content about the subject: on some level, they know that their ‘relationship’ is completely jacked up. Very few claimed to be happy with the situation; most were being driven demented. A few months on, I feel it’s necessary to readdress this issue with a dose of straight talking.

Affair relationships are built on dishonesty.

You’d be surprised how the excuses for having an affair all boil down to only a few basic excuses that are trotted out the world over. It doesn’t matter if you’re in a mud hut in the middle of Africa or in what you think is your plush life in the city. Lots of people claim their partner “doesn’t understand” them. Lots claim that they are no longer sleeping with their partner/spouse. Plenty claim they stay with their partner “for the kids”. Some claim that their jobs frown upon divorce. Others say that she (or he) wouldn’t be able to cope. Many claim they are just “waiting for the right time”, the “right moment”, the right second/minute/hour/day/year to break the news.

For the bulk of people who are the Other Woman, the odds are stacked against them, and it very rarely works out.

Let’s break it down. The foundations of the affair are dishonest. Most of the time, he never leaves. If he does leave, it often doesn’t work out, either because he can’t keep his dick in his pants and keeps cheating (except for this time, it’s on the woman that used to be the Other Woman) or because the ex Other Woman never does quite trust him so it erodes into the relationship.

People who cheat don’t see themselves as cheats per se.

I’m not claiming that they don’t realise that they are sticking it to someone else. However, for most cheaters, it gets rationalised so that they don’t feel too bad about themselves. Trust me, if they faced the reality of what they were doing to the person they’re cheating on, and what they’re doing to the Other Woman, they’d bail out far quicker. It’s the ability to delude themselves and romanticize the situation that keeps things ticking over for so long.

Waiting [for them to leave their relationship] is a mug’s game.

Unless you have ‘mug’ or ‘fool’ written on your forehead, don’t wait. Waiting is the saviour of the cheat. As long as they are safe knowing that someone is waiting on ice for them, why change the status quo?

Even when The Other Woman moves on, often, they haven’t really moved on.

In fact, they’re just play-acting at life, hoping that their facade makes him bolt and come to her or that one day, he will actually leave and then they can be together, against the odds and blah, blah, blah. Moving on means cutting the ties, gaining closure, and recognising that as long as he has someone else, he’s not worthy of all the energy expended by the Other Woman.

When people say the cheating party won’t leave their wife/girlfriend, they are normally right. Obviously, you have to be skilful enough to weed out the plain ‘ole haters. But if everyone from the cat to his great, great Aunty Betty says he won’t leave, I’d listen. I know there’s no legislating for love, but when everyone knows that you’re the Other Woman and they see the real him, you’d be surprised at the truth of their words. “He won’t leave her” should translate to “Abort mission. Take a parachute and jump!”

The sex is great when you’re the Other Woman because it’s dysfunctional sex.

Of course when there is illicit sex with someone who belongs to someone else, plus all the emotion (all of it negative even though most don’t see it that way), of course you’re going to cling to him and orgasm like the sun’s not going to come up. (If the sex isn’t even good, I’d consider saying adios and exchanging him for a penpal….) The more orgasms that you have, the more of an emotional and physical connection you feel, the more you think he’s leaving his wife. How many times can I say it? An orgasm… is just an orgasm. How many of us have had orgasms and great sex with men that were about as good for us as a STD outbreak?

This is about you, the Other Woman, not him. In this situation, it’s all too easy to focus on his problems, his “situation”. The reality is that it’s not about him; it’s about you.

We have no control over the actions of other people, but we have control over our own. We shouldn’t be so willing to sell ourselves short and we should ask ourselves a lot of questions if we ever find ourselves either in a relationship where we play the third wheel or where we’re contemplating it. The moment we stop investing all of our brain power in them is the sooner we get real.

Don’t forget to read Coping With Being the Other Woman.

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