Recently I’ve been asked by several readers whether a booty call can become so much more. I must say firstly though, if you know that you’re actually a booty call, should you really be asking this question! Anyway…

Booty Call: This is when someone has the ability to flex their dialing finger and call up a certain person solely for the purpose of a shag. It tends to be late at night, it’s most definitely casual, no strings fun, and it relies on either both parties being grown up enough to know the deal and enjoy it for what it is, or for one person to be clever enough to let the other think that they’re getting more than they are, when all they’re looking for is boo-tay.

On the very basis that booty calls relies on the parties using each other for sex and you being flexible enough not to mind, why the hell would you want it to turn into a relationship? If you’re doing the booty call right, you don’t know enough about their character or personality to warrant even considering having a relationship. Technically all you know is that they screw well (God help you if you’re having a crap sex with a booty call…) and that when it comes to getting free and easy sex without any hassle, they can be punctual about arriving, and even more punctual about beating a hasty retreat to their own home, so that you can finish getting a good nights sleep. If you’ve been talking and getting to know each other…you just aren’t doing it right!

Booty calls are about using people for sex and whilst it’s a case of each to their own, it’s not a great advertisement for a person. Trust me when I say that booty calls are not something that everybody indulges in. The fact that all he wants to do is rock up when he gets hard, stick it to you and then leave, shouldn’t have you hankering for a relationship!

But unfortunately, we often confuse sex, especially good sex that makes you scream the place down with ecstasy and practically has you swinging from the chandeliers, with love and this is a recipe for disaster. Good sex, fantastic sex, does not a relationship make. Getting to know one another, building a connection, having good/great/fantastic sex, and having the basics for the foundation of a relationship is what you need. Attempting to go from booty call to relationship is like closing the door after the horse has bolted. The likelihood is that if you did get to know the person, the sex could quite easily take a nosedive, after all if you both had such great personalities, how did you end up leapfrogging the formalities and saying screw getting to know each other, let’s just screw?

If of course you’ve been foolish enough to have a relationship and then become a booty call, and are now hoping that a relationship is on the cards, I suggest you go and put yourself on the naughty step and ask yourself whether you’re on crack. If the guy can shag you without having to do all of the attendant stuff that came along with having a relationship with you, what the hell is his incentive to have a relationship with you now? You can’t shag someone into liking you and the fact that he’s come creeping back for a shag shows that you’re good enough to screw, but not good enough for him to treat you right and commit to your relationship.

If you want a relationship that badly, I suggest you stop being the booty call. Nobody needs sex that badly (unless their a sex addict and that’s a different issue) and it’s far easier to put yourself in line for relationship opportunities, if you aren’t sexually invested with someone else who is potentially confusing you emotionally. Booty call’s are really the stock and trade of people who genuinely want nothing other than to tap the booty and as soon as you want more, it’s time to opt out. Cut off the supply and start engaging with men that don’t come out after dark like vampires and who have more conversation in them than ‘Your place at 11 OK with you?’.

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