It’s time for another episode of The Baggage Reclaim Sessions.

In episode 40, I cover:

Is a future allowed?: I talk about why it’s perfectly OK for somebody to not want a relationship but if you do, it needs to have purpose and direction otherwise it has no aim. You need to know that exploring the possibilities and having a future is a possibility.

Handling narcissistic co-workers, family members, and romantic partners: Whether they’re narcissistically inclined or an actual narcissist, the 18 tips that I share will reduce your baggage in this area but also lessen their impact on you. More reads: We Need To Talk About Narcissists | Episode 2: What’s The Baggage Behind It? | Episode 5: Dealing With Tricky Co-Workers | Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD)

Redirecting your energy: The same energy that goes into making you unworthy could be used to make you the opposite.

Listener Question: Sarah’s friend is marrying someone who is 20 years her senior and it’s bringing up feelings of disapproval as well as questions about her own life. What do you do when you disapprove of your friend’s partner, plans and choices?

What I Learned This Week: I’ve been reminded yet again that I really do not need to dim my light for my siblings.

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Listener questions can be emailed to podcast AT baggagereclaim DOT com and if there’s a topic you’d love me to talk about, let me know!

Nat xxx

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