Something I think is important for women who engage in poor relationships with assclowns to grasp is that you can instantly recognise things about yourself based on the character of the man you profess to love or pine for.

I have repeatedly stressed how we choose partners that reflect the things we believe about ourselves. When filled with negativity about yourself, love, and relationships, you will choose men that reflect those very things.

A common example is fear of abandonment or losing him and then choosing a man who makes your worst fears a reality by pulling disappearing acts and repeatedly finishing it with you. It’s not that you said ‘Hmmm, I need man. Oh, I know… I’ll choose someone who likes disappearing’. However, because you have your own issues where you don’t think you’re good enough for someone to want to stick around, you choose men with poor qualities that add up to someone who is highly likely to behave in this way due to having no respect for you or the relationship you think you both have.

I’ve been working on an ebook, How To Lose an Assclown in 90 Days and split assclowns into five key categories of behaviour:

Flip Flappers, Controllers, Liars, Manchildren, and Assholes.

So giving you some food for thought, and to get you to into reality about your relationships with assclowns, here, in their simplest terms, is what being involved with a man that fits into these groups means. In this post, I explain Flip Flappers, and you can check out Part 2 for the rest.

What does being involved with a Flip Flapper say about you?

Flip Flappers are men who don’t know their arses from their elbow. They are stuck in the land of limbo. They want you today, they’re not sure they want you tomorrow. But they might want you in a month, but not the following one. They stall on divorcing; they dawdle on separating. When you have a man like this, you never know where you stand, which is how they like it.

Their flip-flapping fits with your being indecisive.

You place the responsibility for change, progression, or ending things on the guy. Relationships with these men are attractive because their behaviour provides the perfect foil for cruising. It appears that you know what you want and that what stands between you both is his taking action and sticking with it. What we fail to realise, however, is that when a man is habitually indecisive, he has still made a decision to not make one. Instead, he feathers his nest by being in limbo on your time.

The truth is, you don’t know what you want.

Still, because he openly displays his flip-flapping tendencies, you can fool yourself into believing that you do [know what you want]. You may find this indecision filters into other areas of your life where you coast and hide behind what seems like plausible reasons and excuses.

If you did know what you wanted, you wouldn’t continue to be around someone who couldn’t commit to a decision and also couldn’t commit to you. But this is all because like every woman involved with an assclown or in a relationship lacking commitment, you lack commitment too.

Read about the other assclowns in part 2.

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