“Thank you so much for the 100 Days series. I felt like I was having a personal visit with you every day and getting a big dose of your wisdom. It came at a great time, while I am still healing from an emotionally unavailable relationship, but I’m getting much stronger each day. Your daily posts helped enormously.” Marie
“100 Days is changing my life, and I’m only on Day 24!” Brianna, USA
“I’m feeling so much more boundaried! The shifts are incredible!” Sharleen, UK
“It seems like the issue discussed of the day addresses something I have targeted recently. So spot on it is scary.” Vicky
“I love the format! Short, but direct. And the journaling prompts are so helpful. I feel like I'm making great strides.” Johanne, Canada
“I can not tell you how much this 100 Day course has helped. The last 2 weeks, in particular, every day has spoken to a particular issue. Yesterday I was nervous because of a job interview and bang, the day about doubts popped up, reminding me to think of how much I had prepped and calm me down.” Rowen