The Baggage Reclaim Sessions
I’ve been offloading my excess emotional baggage and reclaiming myself for over nineteen years and sharing that journey through my books, courses, and this blog. In 280+ episodes, I share inspiration, practices and tools for reclaiming ourselves from the emotional baggage that causes us to be people pleasers who settle for less than what we need, desire and deserve in all areas of our lives.
Become more emotionally available, figure out your boundaries, build healthier relationships (and steer clear of shady ones), and be more of who you really are.
over 5 million downloads
Not sure where to start? Here’s a selection of handy playlists on a variety of popular topics
109 The Four Qualities of a Loving Partner | LISTEN NOW
188 The Landmarks of Healthy Relationships | LISTEN NOW
123 The Five Stages of Relationships | LISTEN NOW
203 What is Intimacy? | LISTEN NOW
209 The Compatibility Factor | LISTEN NOW
255 Sharing Core ‘Directional’ Values Matters for Compatibility | LISTEN NOW
270 Unhealthy Relationships and Knowing When To Fold | LISTEN NOW
185 Let’s Talk About Gaslighting | LISTEN NOW
122 Relationship Crumbs, Whether It’s From The Shady or The ‘Nice’, Are Crumbs | LISTEN NOW
112 The Trouble With Emotional Blackmail | LISTEN NOW
212 People Can Be More Than One Thing | LISTEN NOW
197 Using Code Amber and Code Red Alerts To Be More Boundaried | LISTEN NOW
199 ‘Yes’ isn’t a Clean Word If It’s Not Authentic | LISTEN NOW
205 Four Steps to Help You Have an Assertive Response When You Recognise That You Don’t Want to Do Something | LISTEN NOW
138 Why Are Some People So Averse To Respecting Other People’s Boundaries? | LISTEN NOW
193 The Landmarks of Boundaried Communication | LISTEN NOW
153 Are They Being Unfair and Unreasonable? Am I? | LISTEN NOW
124 10 Key Signs of Emotional Unavailability | LISTEN NOW
246 Can We Know If a New Partner is Emotionally Available? | LISTEN NOW
73 Is Lack of Curiosity Indicative of Disinterest?, Personal Anniversaries, Being OK With Disapproval | LISTEN NOW
46 Making New Friends, Are They Emotionally Available?, Celebrate You | LISTEN NOW
264 Let’s Talk About the Real Reasons Behind Affairs | LISTEN NOW
What People are Saying
“Life-changing advice”
“I like to imagine I’m sitting down with my best friend, talking about relationships over a cup of tea. Every single episode has given me something important to consider about romantic relationships, work ethics, family issues, and friendship. Keep them coming, Natalie!“
“Incredible podcast – she asks such thought-provoking questions, gives many examples and makes thoughtful observations. I have been so impressed I recommended this podcast to 9 friends. It’s relevant for everyone in so many stages of life!!“
“A friend recommended Natalie Lue during the worst break up ever and still I return for extra comfort on how to navigate relationships. Voice like honey and the best advice on self awareness out there“
“Knows her stuff!”
“This podcast got me through some really tough times in navigating the dating world. Highly recommend her episodes on the Stages of Relationships to give clarity-when dating in these times is anything but.“