How long does it take to gain access to the course? Typically within an hour of booking. If you haven’t received your access details within 24 hours of signing up, email shopATbaggagereclaim.co.uk, and we’ll quickly get it sorted.
Where is the course hosted? On a private membership site.
How long do I have access to the course? One year.
Is there a forum or Facebook group or other means of communicating with other students/members? I host a private and secret Facebook group which you can request access to after you’ve been set up.
Are you in the Facebook group or available to answer questions? Yes to both. I host Office Hours sessions each month and check in regularly on the Facebook group to answer questions.
Is it better to sign up for the course or to go for Reclaimer Membership? It depends on your needs. Some people prefer to only do one course, whereas if you are planning to do more of my courses or would like access to masterclasses and resources on a variety of subjects related to self-care and healthier relationships, then Reclaimer Membership is the way to go.
How many lessons are there? Thirty, and they’re initially released one day at a time. They’re a mix of short videos and short classes with a journaling prompt or task (where applicable). In late April 2019, the course is getting a refresh including audio versions of all classes and some extra material.
Do I get a student discount on other Baggage Reclaim courses and products? Yes. There is a code on your dashboard.