fencedToday on day 22 of the 30 Days of Drama Reduction series, Hot Alpha Female wonders what your tipping point for drama is…

So in the short time that I have been giving advice through my blog I have had a lot of people ask me question specifically to do with their situation.

Usually it goes something along the lines of it.

There is this guy .. and he has cheated on me .. doesn’t respect me … is emotionally unavailable … is a womanizer … is an alcoholic … is mentally sick …

What should I do .. because I love him.

Usually I spend the next 4-5 emails trying to get these girls in line and doing my best for them to get some perspective.

So now I’m going to ask you guys a question: How badly do you need to be treated?? .. to finally wake up to the fact that you need to walk away? Or you need to set some ground rules? Or that you can find something better?

How much drama are you settling for .. by tolerating intolerable behavior?

If you guys want happy harmonious relationships in the future, the you need to start raising your expectations.

Start raising the expectations for yourself and raising the expectations on how you should be treated.

Here is the thing. Each and every one of you deserves a loving harmonious and fulfilling relationship.

Nothing less that that.

You deserve to be treated with love and respect. You should not have to share your man with some other woman. You should not have to share your time with other things, people and situations.

You deserve to find someone body who has his own life, but is romantically devoted to you. And only you.

And hey, I know it hard. Because when you are in a relationship, sometimes it’s hard to really know what is going on.

And that’s why friends are so important. Friends and family. Because sometimes they can see things that you cannot.

If your family are screaming at you to get out of that relationship then maybe you should start listening. On the other hand if many of them are questioning why you are breaking up with someone, because they think you are a really good match. Then you should also listen to their theory.

But sometimes what the best things to do is to take a step back. Have a little bit of a breather. Stop looking through that one telescope and start looking around.

Only then can you gain real clarity as to what is really going on.

And then you can decide on your next move … with some real perspective.

Drama free of course!

Your thoughts?

Hot Alpha Female is a new weekly contributor to Baggage Reclaim. She’s a vibrant twenty-something that loves talking about dating and relationships, as well as skiing and laughing uncontrollably.

Do you have a post or tip to submit for the series? Get in touch! Read other posts from the series.

If you’re a habitual dater of emotionally unavailable men, don’t forget that Mr Unavailable and the Fallback Girl is now available to buy and download.

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