Reader: I’ve been dating a guy for a little over a year and when we first met, he told me he didn’t go out much. I thought that was great since I’m not really into the club/party scene, although I enjoy other activities like dinner, movies, shopping, etc. What I didn’t realise is that when this man (he’s 28, I’m 27) said that he didn’t go out is that he doesn’t like to do anything!

During our first months of dating, I got him to the movies once and dinner occasionally, but that was it. He’s very frugal, so I thought it was the money that made him want to stay in, so I was able to get him to accompany me to a friend’s dinner party and a few family gatherings since they wouldn’t cost him a dime.

After the holidays last year, he completely withdrew from doing anything with me.

On Valentine’s Day he told me he’d take me to dinner at a place that one of his co-workers recommended. I’d never eaten there before and thought it sounded like fun. I asked him if I needed to Google the address or directions, and he said no.

Well, to make a long story short, we never found the place, and I offered to call a friend for directions. He told me not to and asked if there was anywhere else I wanted to go. I named another spot, and he asked if there was anywhere else other than the place we’d agreed upon or the place that I mentioned and I said no. We ended up at an IHOP that still has a smoking section—how’s that for romantic?

When we got there, he kept saying how we were there because of me and that he’d rather be at home watching TV. I told him we should just leave because I didn’t want IHOP. He was determined to give me a Valentine’s Day dinner, so IHOP it was. Following that date, we didn’t eat out again until July! The next dinner date was in September after that.

I have even offered to pay for us to go out. It’s not like I’m asking him for extravagant nights on the town.

I’ve even suggested picnics, free concerts, or anything to give us a change of scenery. He always says no and suggests that I go out with my girlfriends. At one point, he even told me to call an ex to see if he’d take me out because that would be doing him a favour.

He is so weird about spending time with me outside of our homes. We’d planned a date last month, but he called out of the blue to see if I’d be disappointed if we didn’t go out because he’d been invited to a fight party (a party to watch pay-per-view boxing) at a friend’s house. I find out later that this “friend” is his ex-girlfriend. Apparently, I shouldn’t be concerned about her because she and her new boyfriend are throwing the party. I couldn’t understand why, if that was the case, could I not go to the party, too?

The last straw was this weekend when he told me he was going to the strip club instead of inviting me to come over.

But the way he went about it was to guilt me by saying that he didn’t want me to get upset (or have a mood swing as he put it) because he needed some time. It hurt me so bad because he would rather go out and waste hundreds of dollars on strippers, but he won’t even give me what I want, which is his time, not his money.

I’ve read back over this message, and I know that it’s all over the place, but I’m clicking submit anyway just in case it makes it to your blog. You always have such straight to the point insight and I would love to have advice on what to do. My friends say that he is selfish and that I should leave the relationship.

I agree he is selfish, but he does have good qualities, too. Am I wrong to hope that he might change some of his selfish ways? In past relationships, I’ve always been the woman who deals with so much bull, leaves the guy, only to find out that he’s perfect for the next woman. It’s like I make men better for their future mates when they’re just so-so or worse for me.


NML says: Reading through your email, I can’t find anything great about this guy.

He’s stingy with himself, stingy with his time, and stingy with his money. He’s so tight, he’d peel oranges in his pocket! Oh, that is, unless it’s for a stripper.

Guys who are genuinely interested, genuinely care, and genuinely want the relationship to progress put the effort into the relationship. They invest of themselves and don’t carry on as if spending time with you is some enormous hardship. I’m offended on your behalf that a man would treat you in this manner, but you need to be offended.

It’s not about where he takes you or how much he spends on you, but what does this man want you to do just because he took you to IHOP? Lick his feet? Why is he behaving like you should be eternally grateful because he deigned to take you there?

This guy is not only emotionally unavailable, but I am concerned about his total unwillingness to share in your life. It’s like he has his feet set in concrete blocks. You need a man who is willing to invest himself and the relationship. You don’t need a man who has you below the TV on his list of priorities!

Why are you accommodating his behaviour? The fact that even when it’s something free, and he still drags his feet and won’t get involved, suggests that this guy is not interested. He is keeping you on ice, using you at will, and he just doesn’t appear to care. And as for his pitiful excuse about going over to his ex—yes, why couldn’t he invite you? It doesn’t matter who’s throwing the party. He didn’t see fit to invite you when he easily could have. It didn’t matter that he was letting you down over your arranged outing.

You say he is selfish and that he has his “good qualities”. Well, I hope so because I have to wonder why you’re with someone who treats and regards you in this way.

Why should you have to be so different and accommodating in order to be with him? Why hasn’t he adjusted and compromised?

Always be wary of any relationship that is all one person’s terms. It never spells anything good and is a surefire sign of an unhealthy relationship. This guy controls the temperature of the relationship and he only comes out to play when it suits him. And unless he’s throwing coins at the strippers, he’s not as frugal as he makes out because strippers aren’t for tight-fisted guys.

Don’t allow yourself to be reduced to someone not worthy of effort. At the end of the day, it is out of your hands about what your men do with the next woman. However, when you find yourself in this situation, often your efforts (overgiving) propel it.

Unfortunately, with men that you try to help, fix, or accommodate, they very rarely appreciate your efforts and your ‘return on investment’ never comes to fruition. Instead, he takes his lessons learned to someone else. Or he finds someone who accepts his shady and unavailable ways.

Typically when men behave how you’ve described, it means they are not ready for a relationship.

And even though you are standing by him, he won’t appreciate it. Instead, he’s mentally marking you down for being accepting of a man that behaves as he does.

Somewhere in his pea-sized brain, he knows he is not good enough for you and wonders why you put up with him. He assumes that all cannot be well with you if you are interested in him. Also, men are generally far too egotistical to allow another man to do their dirty work for them. The fact that he’d tell you to get your ex to take you out speaks volumes.

The best thing you can do is let go and move on, but you need to be willing to do this. You need to decide that you are better than this situation. If you are betting on a potential that he’s never going to fulfill or hoping that he’s going to change into the type of man who is treating you better, you could be in for a very long wait….

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