red paper girl devil with a fork

On Day 18 of the 30 Days of Drama Reduction series, Cheekie adds her own brand of humour about harnessing the Drama Seeking Demon within…

Funny thing, drama, no matter how much we have (or create) in our life we have this bizarre tendency to create more from it.

It’s like a warren of fuzzy bunnies, reproducing itself exponentially.

Yes, I am talking about the tendency amongst Drama Seekers to mountain out of molehill everything. Once a crisis hits, suddenly EVERYTHING becomes a crisis.

Your thoughts?

Cheekie is back as a regular contributor to Baggage Reclaim. She’s a 30-ish single cheeky chick, just wandering her way through the dating forest and trying to leave as many bread crumbs as possible….Look out for her posts each week!

Do you have a post or tip to submit for the series? Get in touch!

Catch up on posts in the 30 Days of Drama Reduction series.

If you are a Drama Seeker, you should be reading NML’s ebook Mr Unavailable and the Fallback Girl. Find out more and buy and download.

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