One of the most popular questions is about what to do on dates and has come to the resue with an A-Z of date suggestions. Never be stuck again if you’re looking for something out of the ordinary to do.

‘Interesting’ suggestions include:

Bocci Ball – huh?

Embroidery – Something says that with the best will in the world, many women will jump to conclusions about their date…nuff said

Engagement Party – Not one I recommend for first dates…talk about making a guy nervous…

Judge Judy Reruns – I do this type of thing with my mum, not a date!

Nudist Colony – Ooh, saucy!

Others include bingo, volunteering at an elderly home, hula hooping, ice scuplting, igloo making and the list is endless…Well you never have an excuse not to have something to do on a date ever again…makes me wonder what people really do when they go on dates?

Check out all of the date suggestions here

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