Every relationship and a break up that may result from it is different, but for your own sanity and that of your ex partner’s, I recommend certain behaviours that will keep you on the right side of a healthy self respect.
1. Thou shalt not call him. Yep, there is a reason why you guys broke up and what a lot of people make the mistake of doing is breaking up and then entering into a ‘friend’ dialogue. Guys are very keen to maintain some level of contact and pull out the friend card in particular as it makes them feel like they aren’t as awful as they think you might think he is, but it also keeps a foothold in your life that women often end up using to stop themselves from moving on. Whatever reason you believe is a good idea to call, whether you think he’ll change his mind if he hears from you or that you’ll feel good, it’s not a reason to call. The initial surge of hope you feel will be replaced by a slump which will take you to a lower place mentally than you were before you made the call. If you need to get something from him, get someone else to sort it out for you.
2. Thou shalt remain mature. Cutting up his possessions may help you take out your revenge but you’ll probably find your ass in court. Don’t be petty, don’t let your friends be petty on your behalf with your interests at heart and don’t get gangsta. Revenge may feel like a dish best served cold but it’s better to leave it off the menu all together. Maintaining dignity and him knowing that you have moved on will actually reward you better in the long run – let him regret the loss of someone so great rather than have him thanking his lucky stars that he got shot of you…
3. Thou shalt not slip him some post break-up sex. If sex was what was holding you both together in the first place, that’s not a good thing, and if it was that great he wouldn’t have broken up with you. If you think that breaking him off a piece will have him crawling back to you, it won’t. Sex is a temporary, albeit pleasurable remedy but you can’t shag him back into being your boyfriend. I’ve said it many a time before: Why buy the cow when you can drink the milk for free?
4. Thou shalt not email him. Or text him….This may seem like a less scarier option than calling him but it’s just something else to make you feel like crap as you agonise over the tone of his reply (that’s IF he replies), the length of the reply or even how long it takes for him to respond. Again, if you need to get something from him, like your possessions, have a trusted friend collect them for you.
5. Thou shalt not accidentally on purpose keep on going to the places that you know he goes to. Trust me, the initial high you get when you see him is likely to be replaced by paranoia, insecurity and misery as you wonder what he’s thinking or even worse, what he’s saying about you to his friends, or worrying about who that woman is that he’s speaking to. Even if you went there first, it’s better just to steer clear.
6. Thou shalt not cling to pathetic signs that you’re getting back together. The horoscopes, the psychic, the hopefulness of friends and family who actually don’t know anything, magpies, and anything else that makes you think you’re on your way back to love will only lead to disappointment.
7. Thou shalt not hide away. Trust me when I say that it is very likely that when you’re lying around in your PJ’s, sobbing your heart out, stuffing your face/not eating, sitting by the phone…he’s not. I’m not suggesting that every last guy is cold, but when they dump you, they don’t tend to react like a lot of us women do to a break up. The words ‘short attention span’ spring to mind, which means that even if it hurts, he’s unlikely to be locking himself away; he’ll be living his life.
8. Thou shalt accept the break up as final. Don’t break up and spend your mental energies clinging to the hope that you will be getting back together. You are not a yo-yo or a boomerang to be picked up and discarded at will. Instead of clinging to hope and living your life with a view to him making his way back into it, take it as final unless he comes back one day with a firm decision to want to get back together, and have the issues that broke you up in the first place resolved, even if it means you need to pay a therapist to help you out. And of course, by then you may not even want him…
9. Thou shalt not return his calls. I always say that men are 75% water and the rest is ego. They NEED to think that you want them, that you’re pining for them, and that your whole life revolves around waiting for him to dignify you with contact. They want to move on but check that you’re not, and they like to make sure that you haven’t moved on to the next guy, or rear their ugly head when they know you have started to want someone else. I’m sure many of them are concerned to an extent about how you are but a lot of it is about reassuring himself that he’s not an asshole. A lot of men like to think only the best of themselves. Don’t reply to his inane emails either. If you worry about feeling like a cruel bitch, give yourself license to avoid contact by telling him that for the sake of you both (it’s all in the wording) that it would be better if you don’t have contact for a while (at the bare minimum a month but ideally 3 months). People don’t go from being lovers to friends in a blink of an eye and these things take time so he’ll just have to suck it up.
10. Thou shalt recognise when he is behaving like a bastard. One of the perturbing things about break ups is that even in the face of him treating you like dirt at the time of the break up or after, some women just won’t take the hint. They blame themselves, they lose their self-esteem and throw in their self-respect to date. Recognise that he is being an assclown and lose your respect for him and keep your self-esteem intact. Believe it or not, when men behave like this, they are doing you a MASSIVE favour by showing you his real side. Trust me, if you take him back after he has treated you badly, you are writing the script of your future.
Now, as an aside, I know that there are some women out there that will not be able to resist contact but I do recommend that there must be at least a month of no contact. Two weeks if desperation calls… Good luck!
Thank you! Thank you! Thank You! I am so glad you wrote this and it is straight to the point! I am going through a break up right now and it so refreshing to read this and to keep moving forward without looking back!! And yes he did show his true colors which let me know that I don’t need his flaky ass no way!! I am going to put this up on my frig to remind myself that I deserve someone better anyway!!
on 11/01/2007 at 5:08 pm
It can be the hardest thing in the world not to have contact with someone you still have feelings for, but your words are absolutely true, the only thing allowing continued contact with my ex did, was rip me apart, keep the pain going longer than necessary, inflate his ego and crush my self-esteem….My true healing only began when I saw him for what he was,an asshole…and decided on no more contact, as, as you quite likely point out, all it really is, is a form of self-sabotage and getting over a break-up is hard enough without being your own worst enemy.
on 12/01/2007 at 12:14 am
So true and rational. Thank you. My boyfriend and I broke up 5 years ago and remained close “friends” (a.k.a. “pseudo couple”). It was keeping both of us from moving on. I finally put my foot down as a new years resolution because he was trying to continue our close relationship and have a new girlfriend. That’s when I realized he is a narcissistic ego-centric asshole. Just like Kate Winslet’s character in the movie “The Holiday”, I have had enough of being there to soothe his ego but him not giving me what I want and need. I am *finally* moving on. Trust this post. You CANNOT be friends with an ex. You’ll only end up like me, having wasted 5 years of your life. But yourah for realising this now – it could have been worse…it could have been 6 years!!! 🙂
on 15/01/2007 at 7:10 pm
on 15/01/2007 at 7:12 pm
My boyfriend broke up with me at xmas over the phone after three years together. He was angry and shouting when he told me, why? arent i the one who should be angry?
on 17/01/2007 at 2:33 am
I repeatedly asked for space after my ex and I finished but it fell on deaf ears, him wanting to be friends. I kept on going along with it as his father is very ill and it is hard to refuse to be reasonable under those circumstances.
I wish I had read this sooner.
We have now got into a situation where it is dragging on and on, him coming to the village where I live visiting my friends to see how I am, as we cannot communicate at all.
I am very upset he’s behaving like this. I feel annoyed that he’s going around talking about me. I only have a few close friends and i feel he’s shouldering in on them.
In fact I am in pieces over it. It has made me feel bereft of the little support I did have.
I am so filled with anger, hurt and confusion. I am judging myself over it, as the feelings I’m having are not charitable and I’m not sure of what to think.
It is as if he is going around acting like a saint and I am the hard bitch for not caring how he is.
God, I wish I had read this article sooner.
Still, I am resisting contact to tell him where to go…for the moment anyhow!
Time and space heals but oh for some space!!!!
Answers on a postcard please…
on 18/01/2007 at 8:56 pm
Question: He broke up with me, will he eventually realize his mistake and call me?
on 20/01/2007 at 4:47 pm
Thanks for all of your comments. April, yes he may eventually realise his mistake and call you…or he might not… Please don’t rely on that outcome as you will have to live your life in limbo…
on 21/01/2007 at 7:19 am
I am so glad that I ran across your site. He broke up with me on the 8th via phone. Said that he was going to get back with his exgf and that she didn’t want us to speak so just like that he quit talking to me. Yesterday he called. Says that he made a mistake and wants to keep our friendship and immediately wanted to start hanging out again. I was like… “I’m busy another time perhaps.” I think he’s a cool guy but agree on your 3 month rule at least to pull my head out of my ass and see if it is even feasible. The struggle to not take him back kills me tho but I know it was never meant to be a LTR he’s still too immature to know what he wants. We saw ea other on a Sunday and he asked me if I had a problem with him seeing his ex gf. Told him as long as they didn’t do anything that non friends did i didn’t care. was I wrong? was he giving me a sign and I just didn’t see it????????????????? Next day was when he called me. Said that when he saw her, he realized that he wanted to see if it would work. WTF?
on 23/01/2007 at 9:21 pm
Thank you for your wisdom.. Your site just confirms that woman nationwide experience and go through the same things.. we are all sisters through this bond. I recently broke up with my ex of 7 months. I always felt in my spirit that he was very dishonest, but never had hard evidence.. its just something you know within yourself.. until one day I said to myself.. why should I believe him over my own self.. I trust my spirit.. Not only did he have 2 very young babies by 2 different mamas I was dealing with.. He was a con, broker than broke and very very insensitive.. I footed the bill after 3 months of dating because he had went into a financial bind… caught him in contradictory statements several times.. never acknowleded by 2 children and was of no asset to my life in any way, shape, form or style..as a matter fact I was worse of when we met then when I was single.. He coerced me into comprimising my most prized morals and values.. I know I didn’t have to… but anyway… I am so glad to come across this site.. everything i have read I have experienced.. I am just upset with myself for responding to his email “hope you are good and I think about you often” I responded back “I think of you too”.. Its been over a month and I have not called or contacted him and have no desire to.. when I think about our fun times that make me miss him they are immediately wiped away by the thoughts of how he disprected me as a woman, person and friend.. I have moved on.. Thank you.
on 09/02/2007 at 9:20 pm
I have read the 10 Commandments and the experiences of the people who responded. I am confused though. All of this is about the “man who wronged me” and yes, there are those men out there.
What about the man who decided that maybe he wasn’t as in love with you as you were with him and probably wouldn’t get there. Hopefully, he was adult enough to tell you in a timely manner (mine wasn’t), but he did eventually tell me. He didn’t know how to broach the subject so he ignored me and basically forced me into cornering him and ask what was going on.
Did he handle that well? Absolutely not. But he was being honest with me that he felt the relationship was at a standstill and he didn’t feel that anything would change it.
Don’t we have to respect the decisions of our ex’s? In a way, they are trying to help us out. Letting us go so that we can find the person who completes us.
I won’t lie. I am still crying myself to sleep every night. You see, he was the love of my life and I was crushed when he said we were through. But I am trying to respect his decision and be an adult about this. Part of me wants him to walk through the door and take me in his arms and tell me that he was the biggest fool and he can’t live without me. The other part knows that this won’t happen because even if it is true and he wants me back, his “manly” side won’t let him admit it. He has made a decision and all will abide by it!
Is there a right or wrong way to handle a breaku? There are plenty of wrong ways, but there is not a single right way that fits every breakup. Be adults not high school kids and go on. If he was the one, he will come back to you. If not, go out and find the one!
on 12/02/2007 at 5:24 pm
I had to respond to Amy’s comment and tell you this: In a perfect world I believe we as women would love for a man to be upfront about if he wants to be with us or not, but the truth of the matter is that they don’t. Some men do the stupid BS like you said ignore you and until you press them then they will say something. It shouldn’t take all that but it happens. I have been in your situation before and no it is not easy at all but I will tell you this: YOU DIDN’T LOSE A DAMN THING, BUT GUESS WHAT?? HE DID AND THAT’S YOU!!! And if he does come back how do you know if he’s being sincere in the first place? Because if he was the “ONE”, we wouldn’t be going through all the bullcrap that some men put women through when they know they don’t want to be with you!! It just time to move on!!!
on 21/02/2007 at 9:39 am
Good advice. No contact and get on with your life. He is certainly getting on with his. I left my abusive narcissist after he nearly completely destroyed my life, and I’ve have had no contact with him in three months. I’m lonely. He’s got a new girlfriend now, but I’m still reeling from all the loss and pain. He slanders my name to anyone who will listen to him and makes me out to be the bad one, but the truth is that he used me and abused me for two years. I’ve noticed that I’ve been keeping myself cooped up in my room, it’s safer here. I’ve been depressed a lot (I have post traumatic stress disorder). I get really spaced out and drift through the days. I force myself to go to school and be responsible, but it’s like I’m in a dream. I don’t feel like I’m in reality most of the time, and when I do sense reality, it only hurts. I realize that I need to re-join the human race. God help me learn how.
on 05/03/2007 at 5:54 am
I have just broken up with my boyfie whom I thought was the love of my life. For the first time I felt I’d met someone with whom our minds met, and everything was good; but one day he just withdrew, and I asked him what was happening, but he went on the defensive. I have been through many relationships and I know when someone wants to go, but I hung on because I felt that he must have felt the way I felt. Until one day I saw him with his new girl, then I was forced to admit that he has moved on. I can’t tell my friends about this experience because I feel that I can’t tell them about another relationship disaster.
I have read the articles that say that I should avoid him, and I am more than willing to avoid him. My problem is that I work for his landlord, and he always shows up in my face with one crappy thing or another. I can’t avoid talking to him because I am obliged to be professional all the time, but it rips my heart apart everytime he comes to my office. Right now I have the utmost respect for those women out there who have faced this situation and pulled through, because every weekend I feel better, only to be pulled back into the abyss when I see him. And like all jerks, he carries on like he wants us to be friends.
The good thing is that I am leaving this job soon and hopefully won’t see him again. Right now it is my pride that is keeping me going. I resolved that despite what he did, I will show him that I have moved on with my life. I dress to kill and look after myself so that I don’t give him the satisfaction of knowing that my heart breaks every day that he comes to my office.
on 08/03/2007 at 3:31 pm
This article is what I know i should be doing. I made the decision a couple days ago to avoid contact with my ex. He broke up with me because he was confused and “felt torn in thirty different ways”, his words not mine. He says I am a great person, he still really cares about me, but he needs to figure out his life first. While I can respect that, I can’t understand why?? I was there for him, and now he just chucks me aside. Yet he expects me to do the whole friend thing right now. Well until I can look at him without wanting him back I can’t be his friend, it wouldn’t be fair to either of us. I’m moving on with my life because he made the decision to move on with his, but it still hurts, because I felt like he was the one I would like to spend the rest of my life with. And now I am moving on to find someone new, but I still have this desire that he will walk through the door and want me back.
But I do agree with this article no contact is the best situation, deal with it as it is a forever break up not a for now break up, no matter what comes out of his mouth. But what do you do if he’s contacting you, via text messages or emails or phone calls?? Just screen them?? or should you actually answer them and politely ask him to not contact you anymore?
on 29/03/2007 at 1:08 am
hey, this is all really great advice, i just got dumped about a week ago by a guy who was way older than me but had some maturity issues, instead of confronting me face to face about ending the relationship he simply ignored me and never gave me an explanation! it was horrible…I came so close to writing him a letter…and after i sent it in the mail i realized it was a bad idea, so i drove by his house the next evening and stole it out of his mailbox!! i’m so glad I decided to do that!
on 04/04/2007 at 10:19 pm
My boyfriend split with me almost 3 weeks ago, basically didn’t want to commit to me after 18 months together. I’ve been in absolute hell since hoping he will change his mind although I can see that the hoping does stop you from moving on. Not quite sure how you actually stop your heart hoping though.
Definitely no contact is best, its torturous but constant contact with someone who is not the same with you anymore would draw it out for far longer.
on 12/04/2007 at 1:35 am
just to update my situation: i got this stupid email from the ex…exactly three weeks to the day after he dumped me…and it was this dumb easter-forward thing that he sent to me and like ten other people…i think he just wants me to send him back a friendly reply…so he can have a clear conscience, but i’m SO not going to. either that or he is testing the waters to see if i’m still sad and then maybe he’ll try to get me to forgive him…the truth is i still am sad…but not sad enough to fall for a trap like that.
on 20/04/2007 at 4:37 am
My boyfriend of six months just broke up with me. It was a long distance relationship and we are both in school so it got too hard for him. He never really let me know that it was a big problem and then he came to see me one weekend and right in the middle of the weekend he drops the bomb. All of a sudden. He said that after this conversation he had to leave. We talked all night and decided to restructure our relationship and make it lighter because of school and distance. We decided to talk once a day at night. Then he coldly left and said he would call but he has not called since and it has been five days. My boyfriend and my best friend is gone. We were going to be together forever. Now I am lost. I love him so much but even if he came back I can never trust him because of the way he hurt me. I realize that I will never find someone who fits like us…why doesnt he see that? Is it his age? Is he just being selfish and thinking about school? I feel so unlovable…like I am not worth it or I am bad at relationships.
on 30/04/2007 at 9:13 pm
Lindsey, be grateful he did it in person. Most can’t be bothered. It has nothing to do with being “unlovable”, either. You’re both young and young people, especially males, need to date and have relationships with many different people before they figure out what they want. The problems come when one person is changing faster than the other, as in the case of your boyfriend. From what you wrote, I can tell he really does care about you (hence his breaking up face-to-face) and wants the best for you, so that’s why he let you go. Yes, it hurts, but try to respect his honesty and integrity in the way he handled the situation.
on 13/05/2007 at 4:56 pm
It’s been about three months since my ex and I broke up and it has been a really tough rollercoaster ride. It’s been painful, heartbreaking, emotional, confusing, hurtful, and I’ve cried my heart out. If I can give you any advise, it is to resist the urge to call him after you break up. Talking to him will just bring back old wounds and it will make it even harder for you to move on. And most of the time, because of all the emotion your still feeling, it will make you feel worse after you speak to him, and you might even say stuff to each other that you will regret. It was hard to break off the contact with him because I wanted nothing more than to talk to him and see him, but it also hurt a lot when we spoke to each other because we were still emotional, angry, hurt, upset and missing each other.
He has been so hot and cold to me since we broke up – there were times when he would confess how much he still loved me and wanted to be with me, and other times when he would call me names, argue with me, tell me to leave him alone, that he didn’t want to know me any more, and that he was enjoying his life without me.
It was really hard to break off the contact with him because it only ever lasted a couple of weeks (max) before I would give in and call him to confess to him how much I missed him. There were times when we were really close to getting back together and my hopes would build up, until we started arguing again.
A couple of days ago I confessed to my friends how much I still loved him and that I wanted him back, and then I got a phonecall that afternoon from him (I was so excited when my phone rang, I couldn’t wait to talk to him!!) – only to have him tell me that he wants to let me know that he has moved on from me and is enjoying his life and doesn’t want me in it. My heart nearly stopped in its tracks you can imagine. I was shattered. I couldn’t believe he was telling me he has moved on, while in my mind I wanted to get back with him.
Here’s the thing though – I really needed that wakeup call because it wasn’t ever going to work out anyway. There is a reason why we broke up and a reason why we had so much conflict. The damage is done and there is no use building your hopes up that he is going to run back to you and confess that he can’t live or breathe without you – the hard truth is that that is not going to happen. In time you will both be over each other, whether it’s you or him who gets over it first. We might have shared some good times but in the end the relationship broke down.
I still think of him a lot, but now I have realised that we are really over and I need to get on with my life, and that there is something much better out there for me. We know how much it hurts to go through a breakup, and we know just how painful it is and how much it sucks – but it is something we have to go through in order to move on.
Give yourself some quality you time, and dedicate the next few months to you and spending time with those who really do love and care for you (your family, your friends) and make the effort to go out and meet other people. Whatever you do don’t stay cooped up inside sulking over a block of chocolate, cos I guantee you, he’s not. Start doing the things you love, and write up a list of all the positive things you have in your life now. And if all your doing is thinking about all the good qualities he had and all the things you missed about him, write out what they are and then next to that list write out all the things that you couldnt stand about him, all his bad qualities and bad habits and all the things he has done to hurt you. You will find the list will be huge, so you can thank your lucky stars that you don’t have to put up with all that from him EVER AGAIN!! You really do deserve so much better! As for the list of good things, you will find you will be able to replace most of those qualities with things/people you already have in your life (like the friends and family you have who already love you to death), or some other lucky person who you will meet in the future! Most of the time it’s the companionship and love that we miss the most, but just remember he can’t give you that any more and you can get that from your family and friends. More importantly, you can get all that from yourself. Build up your confidence and self esteem and know that you can love yourself enough, and you don’t need a man for that.
Just remember to smile and always look on the brightside. In a few months or a years time you’ll look back and go: What the hell was I worried about!!
Cheer up girl, it will only get better…the bad times are over 🙂
on 29/06/2007 at 9:57 pm
wow! you are really strong. this is week four of NC with my Narcissist boyfriend. He dumped me. He moved on to someone else.
i keep thinking he is going to come back. even though i don’t think it will ever work between us???
i really miss him.
on 12/08/2007 at 11:21 am
My ex finished with me after 7 years over the phone at xmas and we were visiting rellies in the uk from NZ, i moved there to be with him but we’re both english. i felt like i had been hit by a freight train.we both returned to NZ and i moved out, but then a few weeks passed and we tried to give it another go, he would later tell me it was cos he felt guilty and worried about me. he told me he doesnt love me anymore and i should go home so i did and now im backin the UK. i feel so alone and im in pieces. i know he was a total w***r to be me but i still feel like i love and miss him. the last 7 months have been awful and he behaved so badly towards me.
i have very strong feelings of hate and love. i have had no contact for a week now and its killing me. i keep fantasising that he will come and get me or phone and say its all a mistake, but reality i know he wont.
im feeling overwhelming feelings of guilt, shame, hurt. anger., confusion, lonliness and isolation. i want to be ok again, strong and can survive. please someone help me
on 05/10/2007 at 6:04 pm
This advice is excellant and worked for me for a while when my ex was on holiday unfortunatly we happen to work together in a team, he’s close friends with most of my close friends and we also work with the girl that he dumped me for after 10 months even though they never got together. He is an attention seeking arsehole and I can recognise this after 4 months of being apart thank god. However I just cannot escape from him, he is there constantly reminding me of how much I loved him. It breaks my heart seeing him at work every week, and I’ve been thinking of leaving but feel that this would mean me admitting defeat and there’s no way i want to look like that.
What’s more is that since we broke up on at least 2 occassions he’s persuaded me that he’s sorry and was an idiot and will make it all up to me only to then blank me and flirt with everyone under the sun infront of me. I am past the stage of thinking how amazing it could have been and I know I do not need him, but I just cannot escape the heartache when I see him at work and he acts as if we’r best friends, complimenting me etc. whats more is that he is always telling me he misses me!
Any suggestions?!!
on 12/10/2007 at 1:45 am
He is messing with your head when he says he misses you. Its just his way of checking in to see how you still feel about him, to re-energize his ego. It sounds like he really likes to get a reaction out of you, to give his ego a boos, with all the flirting in front of you and saying he was an idiot. If he really meant things truthfully, he wouldn’t set out to hurt you by flirting in your face. If you love someone, you respect them and don’t do hurtful things to them.
I understand where you are. My bf of 7 years finally decided that he is not sure he wants to commit to me. He says he fears being stuck with the same women (he was married for like 18 years) for most of his life and feels he missed out on the whole dating thing in his 20’s. So here I am, with this idea stuck in my head that he is the love of my life and that I want no one else ever. I’m a mess. Crying all the time and barely keeping it together at work. I too am cooped at home most of the time. And he wants to stay friends because “i could marry you” and “i want to retire with you”….so he keeps me as a ‘friend’ so he can keep tabs on my to make sure I am not seeing anyone, that I am still a mess. It’s only been 5 days, and i am slowly seeing that our entire relationship was about him all the time. I did everything for us….he only did for him.
I know you fear ‘defeat’ by leaving your job, but if you see it a different way, you are actually letting him win by letting him see how he affects you. How you realize you still love him and all the heartache you are feeling. If you leave for another job, maybe he will finally realize you are no longer tied to him (even if you are dying inside). I think we women, me included, have a way of making our men a priority, but are sometimes unlucky to have men who don’t do the same.
I am also trying to remind myself that I am better than this, that I deserve more, and remind myself I am worthy of a man who can give me all his attention and make me his priority. I am trying to find my self respect and that strength I used to have when I divorced. I survived and came out stronger. I hope my words help a little in your path to finding a way to cope and get away from him. Good luck to you Helen.
on 31/10/2007 at 9:20 am
Thanks anything helps, just knowing other people are in similar situations.
Unfortunately I fell fo the whole ‘sorry’ thing AGAIN and now am back to square one. When will I learn.
I hope things are going ok for you with or without him!
on 21/03/2009 at 2:44 am
Ladies……….I have been dealing with this issue for over two years. I have read every relationship book and blogged everywhere. A book that has been so much help to me is The Emotional Rape Syndrome , How to survive it and avoid it by Michael Fox. When you realize that you have been raped emotionally, not contacting the perpatrator makes so much sense. Rapists are very sick people whether they are plundering your body or your emotions ….they are sick and criminal in their spirits. The next woman they are with is experiencing the same issues. You have escaped. Your rapist is not better off without you but you are out of a prison he was creatring. We wish to return to our rapist in an attempt to heal the problems of that relationship. This is the ultimate denial. When you realize that you have been raped is the beginning of healing. Now is the time for healing to begin. God wants us to forgive but never to submit to evil! Run from evil!
on 14/05/2009 at 4:45 am
Deeeeeeeeeeyumm!!! about friggin time some smart ass woman got real about these assclowns!!!! …. THANK YOU, THANK YOU for this site!!!
on 10/07/2009 at 1:44 pm
Thank you so much for this site. Some of the comments make me laugh out loud. Although it he has deeply hurt me upon reading I confronted my EUM/compulsive liar, true to form he demoted me to friend that he spoke to ever day…with the promise, maybe we’d get back together in a couple of week. (control). I confronted him about his liars and things got nasty. I have stopped calling him etc and he hasn’t contacted me apart from txt to me to tell me I was ‘out of order’ and he never wants to hear from me again let alone see me. I am hurt and I have done the crying on the sofa stuff but hey! that feeling is passing. I think I more angry with myself to be honest .
So from now on I’m going to: ‘Get up…Dress up…Show up…
To all the lovely ladies that have had the experience of having an encounter with a passive aggressive/compulsive lying jerk…please please believe you have had a lucky escape…you are special so treat yourself thus…xxx
on 04/08/2009 at 8:53 pm
I know most comments on here are from women, however I am a man who was dumped by my GF. The advice here has been very helpful as she has already gottern back with her ex and her I am missing her daily. Hopefully if I cut off all ties w/her things will get better.
I’ve been running Baggage Reclaim since September 2005, and I’ve spent many thousands of hours writing this labour of love. The site has been ad-free the entire time, and it costs hundreds of pounds a month to run it on my own. If what I share here has helped you and you’re in a position to do so, I would love if you could make a donation. Your support is so very much appreciated! Thank you.
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Thank you! Thank you! Thank You! I am so glad you wrote this and it is straight to the point! I am going through a break up right now and it so refreshing to read this and to keep moving forward without looking back!! And yes he did show his true colors which let me know that I don’t need his flaky ass no way!! I am going to put this up on my frig to remind myself that I deserve someone better anyway!!
It can be the hardest thing in the world not to have contact with someone you still have feelings for, but your words are absolutely true, the only thing allowing continued contact with my ex did, was rip me apart, keep the pain going longer than necessary, inflate his ego and crush my self-esteem….My true healing only began when I saw him for what he was,an asshole…and decided on no more contact, as, as you quite likely point out, all it really is, is a form of self-sabotage and getting over a break-up is hard enough without being your own worst enemy.
So true and rational. Thank you. My boyfriend and I broke up 5 years ago and remained close “friends” (a.k.a. “pseudo couple”). It was keeping both of us from moving on. I finally put my foot down as a new years resolution because he was trying to continue our close relationship and have a new girlfriend. That’s when I realized he is a narcissistic ego-centric asshole. Just like Kate Winslet’s character in the movie “The Holiday”, I have had enough of being there to soothe his ego but him not giving me what I want and need. I am *finally* moving on. Trust this post. You CANNOT be friends with an ex. You’ll only end up like me, having wasted 5 years of your life. But yourah for realising this now – it could have been worse…it could have been 6 years!!! 🙂
My boyfriend broke up with me at xmas over the phone after three years together. He was angry and shouting when he told me, why? arent i the one who should be angry?
I repeatedly asked for space after my ex and I finished but it fell on deaf ears, him wanting to be friends. I kept on going along with it as his father is very ill and it is hard to refuse to be reasonable under those circumstances.
I wish I had read this sooner.
We have now got into a situation where it is dragging on and on, him coming to the village where I live visiting my friends to see how I am, as we cannot communicate at all.
I am very upset he’s behaving like this. I feel annoyed that he’s going around talking about me. I only have a few close friends and i feel he’s shouldering in on them.
In fact I am in pieces over it. It has made me feel bereft of the little support I did have.
I am so filled with anger, hurt and confusion. I am judging myself over it, as the feelings I’m having are not charitable and I’m not sure of what to think.
It is as if he is going around acting like a saint and I am the hard bitch for not caring how he is.
God, I wish I had read this article sooner.
Still, I am resisting contact to tell him where to go…for the moment anyhow!
Time and space heals but oh for some space!!!!
Answers on a postcard please…
Question: He broke up with me, will he eventually realize his mistake and call me?
Thanks for all of your comments. April, yes he may eventually realise his mistake and call you…or he might not… Please don’t rely on that outcome as you will have to live your life in limbo…
I am so glad that I ran across your site. He broke up with me on the 8th via phone. Said that he was going to get back with his exgf and that she didn’t want us to speak so just like that he quit talking to me. Yesterday he called. Says that he made a mistake and wants to keep our friendship and immediately wanted to start hanging out again. I was like… “I’m busy another time perhaps.” I think he’s a cool guy but agree on your 3 month rule at least to pull my head out of my ass and see if it is even feasible. The struggle to not take him back kills me tho but I know it was never meant to be a LTR he’s still too immature to know what he wants. We saw ea other on a Sunday and he asked me if I had a problem with him seeing his ex gf. Told him as long as they didn’t do anything that non friends did i didn’t care. was I wrong? was he giving me a sign and I just didn’t see it????????????????? Next day was when he called me. Said that when he saw her, he realized that he wanted to see if it would work. WTF?
Thank you for your wisdom.. Your site just confirms that woman nationwide experience and go through the same things.. we are all sisters through this bond. I recently broke up with my ex of 7 months. I always felt in my spirit that he was very dishonest, but never had hard evidence.. its just something you know within yourself.. until one day I said to myself.. why should I believe him over my own self.. I trust my spirit.. Not only did he have 2 very young babies by 2 different mamas I was dealing with.. He was a con, broker than broke and very very insensitive.. I footed the bill after 3 months of dating because he had went into a financial bind… caught him in contradictory statements several times.. never acknowleded by 2 children and was of no asset to my life in any way, shape, form or style..as a matter fact I was worse of when we met then when I was single.. He coerced me into comprimising my most prized morals and values.. I know I didn’t have to… but anyway… I am so glad to come across this site.. everything i have read I have experienced.. I am just upset with myself for responding to his email “hope you are good and I think about you often” I responded back “I think of you too”.. Its been over a month and I have not called or contacted him and have no desire to.. when I think about our fun times that make me miss him they are immediately wiped away by the thoughts of how he disprected me as a woman, person and friend.. I have moved on.. Thank you.
I have read the 10 Commandments and the experiences of the people who responded. I am confused though. All of this is about the “man who wronged me” and yes, there are those men out there.
What about the man who decided that maybe he wasn’t as in love with you as you were with him and probably wouldn’t get there. Hopefully, he was adult enough to tell you in a timely manner (mine wasn’t), but he did eventually tell me. He didn’t know how to broach the subject so he ignored me and basically forced me into cornering him and ask what was going on.
Did he handle that well? Absolutely not. But he was being honest with me that he felt the relationship was at a standstill and he didn’t feel that anything would change it.
Don’t we have to respect the decisions of our ex’s? In a way, they are trying to help us out. Letting us go so that we can find the person who completes us.
I won’t lie. I am still crying myself to sleep every night. You see, he was the love of my life and I was crushed when he said we were through. But I am trying to respect his decision and be an adult about this. Part of me wants him to walk through the door and take me in his arms and tell me that he was the biggest fool and he can’t live without me. The other part knows that this won’t happen because even if it is true and he wants me back, his “manly” side won’t let him admit it. He has made a decision and all will abide by it!
Is there a right or wrong way to handle a breaku? There are plenty of wrong ways, but there is not a single right way that fits every breakup. Be adults not high school kids and go on. If he was the one, he will come back to you. If not, go out and find the one!
I had to respond to Amy’s comment and tell you this: In a perfect world I believe we as women would love for a man to be upfront about if he wants to be with us or not, but the truth of the matter is that they don’t. Some men do the stupid BS like you said ignore you and until you press them then they will say something. It shouldn’t take all that but it happens. I have been in your situation before and no it is not easy at all but I will tell you this: YOU DIDN’T LOSE A DAMN THING, BUT GUESS WHAT?? HE DID AND THAT’S YOU!!! And if he does come back how do you know if he’s being sincere in the first place? Because if he was the “ONE”, we wouldn’t be going through all the bullcrap that some men put women through when they know they don’t want to be with you!! It just time to move on!!!
Good advice. No contact and get on with your life. He is certainly getting on with his. I left my abusive narcissist after he nearly completely destroyed my life, and I’ve have had no contact with him in three months. I’m lonely. He’s got a new girlfriend now, but I’m still reeling from all the loss and pain. He slanders my name to anyone who will listen to him and makes me out to be the bad one, but the truth is that he used me and abused me for two years. I’ve noticed that I’ve been keeping myself cooped up in my room, it’s safer here. I’ve been depressed a lot (I have post traumatic stress disorder). I get really spaced out and drift through the days. I force myself to go to school and be responsible, but it’s like I’m in a dream. I don’t feel like I’m in reality most of the time, and when I do sense reality, it only hurts. I realize that I need to re-join the human race. God help me learn how.
I have just broken up with my boyfie whom I thought was the love of my life. For the first time I felt I’d met someone with whom our minds met, and everything was good; but one day he just withdrew, and I asked him what was happening, but he went on the defensive. I have been through many relationships and I know when someone wants to go, but I hung on because I felt that he must have felt the way I felt. Until one day I saw him with his new girl, then I was forced to admit that he has moved on. I can’t tell my friends about this experience because I feel that I can’t tell them about another relationship disaster.
I have read the articles that say that I should avoid him, and I am more than willing to avoid him. My problem is that I work for his landlord, and he always shows up in my face with one crappy thing or another. I can’t avoid talking to him because I am obliged to be professional all the time, but it rips my heart apart everytime he comes to my office. Right now I have the utmost respect for those women out there who have faced this situation and pulled through, because every weekend I feel better, only to be pulled back into the abyss when I see him. And like all jerks, he carries on like he wants us to be friends.
The good thing is that I am leaving this job soon and hopefully won’t see him again. Right now it is my pride that is keeping me going. I resolved that despite what he did, I will show him that I have moved on with my life. I dress to kill and look after myself so that I don’t give him the satisfaction of knowing that my heart breaks every day that he comes to my office.
This article is what I know i should be doing. I made the decision a couple days ago to avoid contact with my ex. He broke up with me because he was confused and “felt torn in thirty different ways”, his words not mine. He says I am a great person, he still really cares about me, but he needs to figure out his life first. While I can respect that, I can’t understand why?? I was there for him, and now he just chucks me aside. Yet he expects me to do the whole friend thing right now. Well until I can look at him without wanting him back I can’t be his friend, it wouldn’t be fair to either of us. I’m moving on with my life because he made the decision to move on with his, but it still hurts, because I felt like he was the one I would like to spend the rest of my life with. And now I am moving on to find someone new, but I still have this desire that he will walk through the door and want me back.
But I do agree with this article no contact is the best situation, deal with it as it is a forever break up not a for now break up, no matter what comes out of his mouth. But what do you do if he’s contacting you, via text messages or emails or phone calls?? Just screen them?? or should you actually answer them and politely ask him to not contact you anymore?
hey, this is all really great advice, i just got dumped about a week ago by a guy who was way older than me but had some maturity issues, instead of confronting me face to face about ending the relationship he simply ignored me and never gave me an explanation! it was horrible…I came so close to writing him a letter…and after i sent it in the mail i realized it was a bad idea, so i drove by his house the next evening and stole it out of his mailbox!! i’m so glad I decided to do that!
My boyfriend split with me almost 3 weeks ago, basically didn’t want to commit to me after 18 months together. I’ve been in absolute hell since hoping he will change his mind although I can see that the hoping does stop you from moving on. Not quite sure how you actually stop your heart hoping though.
Definitely no contact is best, its torturous but constant contact with someone who is not the same with you anymore would draw it out for far longer.
just to update my situation: i got this stupid email from the ex…exactly three weeks to the day after he dumped me…and it was this dumb easter-forward thing that he sent to me and like ten other people…i think he just wants me to send him back a friendly reply…so he can have a clear conscience, but i’m SO not going to. either that or he is testing the waters to see if i’m still sad and then maybe he’ll try to get me to forgive him…the truth is i still am sad…but not sad enough to fall for a trap like that.
My boyfriend of six months just broke up with me. It was a long distance relationship and we are both in school so it got too hard for him. He never really let me know that it was a big problem and then he came to see me one weekend and right in the middle of the weekend he drops the bomb. All of a sudden. He said that after this conversation he had to leave. We talked all night and decided to restructure our relationship and make it lighter because of school and distance. We decided to talk once a day at night. Then he coldly left and said he would call but he has not called since and it has been five days. My boyfriend and my best friend is gone. We were going to be together forever. Now I am lost. I love him so much but even if he came back I can never trust him because of the way he hurt me. I realize that I will never find someone who fits like us…why doesnt he see that? Is it his age? Is he just being selfish and thinking about school? I feel so unlovable…like I am not worth it or I am bad at relationships.
Lindsey, be grateful he did it in person. Most can’t be bothered. It has nothing to do with being “unlovable”, either. You’re both young and young people, especially males, need to date and have relationships with many different people before they figure out what they want. The problems come when one person is changing faster than the other, as in the case of your boyfriend. From what you wrote, I can tell he really does care about you (hence his breaking up face-to-face) and wants the best for you, so that’s why he let you go. Yes, it hurts, but try to respect his honesty and integrity in the way he handled the situation.
It’s been about three months since my ex and I broke up and it has been a really tough rollercoaster ride. It’s been painful, heartbreaking, emotional, confusing, hurtful, and I’ve cried my heart out. If I can give you any advise, it is to resist the urge to call him after you break up. Talking to him will just bring back old wounds and it will make it even harder for you to move on. And most of the time, because of all the emotion your still feeling, it will make you feel worse after you speak to him, and you might even say stuff to each other that you will regret. It was hard to break off the contact with him because I wanted nothing more than to talk to him and see him, but it also hurt a lot when we spoke to each other because we were still emotional, angry, hurt, upset and missing each other.
He has been so hot and cold to me since we broke up – there were times when he would confess how much he still loved me and wanted to be with me, and other times when he would call me names, argue with me, tell me to leave him alone, that he didn’t want to know me any more, and that he was enjoying his life without me.
It was really hard to break off the contact with him because it only ever lasted a couple of weeks (max) before I would give in and call him to confess to him how much I missed him. There were times when we were really close to getting back together and my hopes would build up, until we started arguing again.
A couple of days ago I confessed to my friends how much I still loved him and that I wanted him back, and then I got a phonecall that afternoon from him (I was so excited when my phone rang, I couldn’t wait to talk to him!!) – only to have him tell me that he wants to let me know that he has moved on from me and is enjoying his life and doesn’t want me in it. My heart nearly stopped in its tracks you can imagine. I was shattered. I couldn’t believe he was telling me he has moved on, while in my mind I wanted to get back with him.
Here’s the thing though – I really needed that wakeup call because it wasn’t ever going to work out anyway. There is a reason why we broke up and a reason why we had so much conflict. The damage is done and there is no use building your hopes up that he is going to run back to you and confess that he can’t live or breathe without you – the hard truth is that that is not going to happen. In time you will both be over each other, whether it’s you or him who gets over it first. We might have shared some good times but in the end the relationship broke down.
I still think of him a lot, but now I have realised that we are really over and I need to get on with my life, and that there is something much better out there for me. We know how much it hurts to go through a breakup, and we know just how painful it is and how much it sucks – but it is something we have to go through in order to move on.
Give yourself some quality you time, and dedicate the next few months to you and spending time with those who really do love and care for you (your family, your friends) and make the effort to go out and meet other people. Whatever you do don’t stay cooped up inside sulking over a block of chocolate, cos I guantee you, he’s not. Start doing the things you love, and write up a list of all the positive things you have in your life now. And if all your doing is thinking about all the good qualities he had and all the things you missed about him, write out what they are and then next to that list write out all the things that you couldnt stand about him, all his bad qualities and bad habits and all the things he has done to hurt you. You will find the list will be huge, so you can thank your lucky stars that you don’t have to put up with all that from him EVER AGAIN!! You really do deserve so much better! As for the list of good things, you will find you will be able to replace most of those qualities with things/people you already have in your life (like the friends and family you have who already love you to death), or some other lucky person who you will meet in the future! Most of the time it’s the companionship and love that we miss the most, but just remember he can’t give you that any more and you can get that from your family and friends. More importantly, you can get all that from yourself. Build up your confidence and self esteem and know that you can love yourself enough, and you don’t need a man for that.
Just remember to smile and always look on the brightside. In a few months or a years time you’ll look back and go: What the hell was I worried about!!
Cheer up girl, it will only get better…the bad times are over 🙂
wow! you are really strong. this is week four of NC with my Narcissist boyfriend. He dumped me. He moved on to someone else.
i keep thinking he is going to come back. even though i don’t think it will ever work between us???
i really miss him.
My ex finished with me after 7 years over the phone at xmas and we were visiting rellies in the uk from NZ, i moved there to be with him but we’re both english. i felt like i had been hit by a freight train.we both returned to NZ and i moved out, but then a few weeks passed and we tried to give it another go, he would later tell me it was cos he felt guilty and worried about me. he told me he doesnt love me anymore and i should go home so i did and now im backin the UK. i feel so alone and im in pieces. i know he was a total w***r to be me but i still feel like i love and miss him. the last 7 months have been awful and he behaved so badly towards me.
i have very strong feelings of hate and love. i have had no contact for a week now and its killing me. i keep fantasising that he will come and get me or phone and say its all a mistake, but reality i know he wont.
im feeling overwhelming feelings of guilt, shame, hurt. anger., confusion, lonliness and isolation. i want to be ok again, strong and can survive. please someone help me
This advice is excellant and worked for me for a while when my ex was on holiday unfortunatly we happen to work together in a team, he’s close friends with most of my close friends and we also work with the girl that he dumped me for after 10 months even though they never got together. He is an attention seeking arsehole and I can recognise this after 4 months of being apart thank god. However I just cannot escape from him, he is there constantly reminding me of how much I loved him. It breaks my heart seeing him at work every week, and I’ve been thinking of leaving but feel that this would mean me admitting defeat and there’s no way i want to look like that.
What’s more is that since we broke up on at least 2 occassions he’s persuaded me that he’s sorry and was an idiot and will make it all up to me only to then blank me and flirt with everyone under the sun infront of me. I am past the stage of thinking how amazing it could have been and I know I do not need him, but I just cannot escape the heartache when I see him at work and he acts as if we’r best friends, complimenting me etc. whats more is that he is always telling me he misses me!
Any suggestions?!!
He is messing with your head when he says he misses you. Its just his way of checking in to see how you still feel about him, to re-energize his ego. It sounds like he really likes to get a reaction out of you, to give his ego a boos, with all the flirting in front of you and saying he was an idiot. If he really meant things truthfully, he wouldn’t set out to hurt you by flirting in your face. If you love someone, you respect them and don’t do hurtful things to them.
I understand where you are. My bf of 7 years finally decided that he is not sure he wants to commit to me. He says he fears being stuck with the same women (he was married for like 18 years) for most of his life and feels he missed out on the whole dating thing in his 20’s. So here I am, with this idea stuck in my head that he is the love of my life and that I want no one else ever. I’m a mess. Crying all the time and barely keeping it together at work. I too am cooped at home most of the time. And he wants to stay friends because “i could marry you” and “i want to retire with you”….so he keeps me as a ‘friend’ so he can keep tabs on my to make sure I am not seeing anyone, that I am still a mess. It’s only been 5 days, and i am slowly seeing that our entire relationship was about him all the time. I did everything for us….he only did for him.
I know you fear ‘defeat’ by leaving your job, but if you see it a different way, you are actually letting him win by letting him see how he affects you. How you realize you still love him and all the heartache you are feeling. If you leave for another job, maybe he will finally realize you are no longer tied to him (even if you are dying inside). I think we women, me included, have a way of making our men a priority, but are sometimes unlucky to have men who don’t do the same.
I am also trying to remind myself that I am better than this, that I deserve more, and remind myself I am worthy of a man who can give me all his attention and make me his priority. I am trying to find my self respect and that strength I used to have when I divorced. I survived and came out stronger. I hope my words help a little in your path to finding a way to cope and get away from him. Good luck to you Helen.
Thanks anything helps, just knowing other people are in similar situations.
Unfortunately I fell fo the whole ‘sorry’ thing AGAIN and now am back to square one. When will I learn.
I hope things are going ok for you with or without him!
Ladies……….I have been dealing with this issue for over two years. I have read every relationship book and blogged everywhere. A book that has been so much help to me is The Emotional Rape Syndrome , How to survive it and avoid it by Michael Fox. When you realize that you have been raped emotionally, not contacting the perpatrator makes so much sense. Rapists are very sick people whether they are plundering your body or your emotions ….they are sick and criminal in their spirits. The next woman they are with is experiencing the same issues. You have escaped. Your rapist is not better off without you but you are out of a prison he was creatring. We wish to return to our rapist in an attempt to heal the problems of that relationship. This is the ultimate denial. When you realize that you have been raped is the beginning of healing. Now is the time for healing to begin. God wants us to forgive but never to submit to evil! Run from evil!
Deeeeeeeeeeyumm!!! about friggin time some smart ass woman got real about these assclowns!!!! …. THANK YOU, THANK YOU for this site!!!
Thank you so much for this site. Some of the comments make me laugh out loud. Although it he has deeply hurt me upon reading I confronted my EUM/compulsive liar, true to form he demoted me to friend that he spoke to ever day…with the promise, maybe we’d get back together in a couple of week. (control). I confronted him about his liars and things got nasty. I have stopped calling him etc and he hasn’t contacted me apart from txt to me to tell me I was ‘out of order’ and he never wants to hear from me again let alone see me. I am hurt and I have done the crying on the sofa stuff but hey! that feeling is passing. I think I more angry with myself to be honest .
So from now on I’m going to: ‘Get up…Dress up…Show up…
To all the lovely ladies that have had the experience of having an encounter with a passive aggressive/compulsive lying jerk…please please believe you have had a lucky escape…you are special so treat yourself thus…xxx
I know most comments on here are from women, however I am a man who was dumped by my GF. The advice here has been very helpful as she has already gottern back with her ex and her I am missing her daily. Hopefully if I cut off all ties w/her things will get better.