After a nine-month breather, The Baggage Reclaim Sessions podcast is back! Before I get back into the usual weekly episodes, I offer a little insight into what I’ve been up to.
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I talk about:
>> When you’ve been doing something for so long that it feels like a part of your identity and some of the challenges this brings.
>> Letting go to get a sense of what you want to pick up again or start.
>> The challenging process of a book proposal and what it taught me about patience around my ‘plan’ and surrendering. It’s the same old “Your plan is not the plan” life lesson coming up again.
“With a book proposal, it’s similar to dating. If we can’t handle, for instance, writing a book proposal, receiving feedback, doing the edits, along with the uncertainty of the process, we’re going to struggle with writing the book.
Similarly, if we can’t handle talking to someone online, or going on a date, or going on a few dates, or the first argument, we’re not going to be cut out for a relationship. That’s not because we’re not cut out for a relationship full stop; it’s just that we have some work we need to do.”
>> What training for a marathon, running it and coming crashing down a few weeks later taught me about perfectionism and the importance of noticing how much you expect of yourself, as well as not taking for granted how much you do.
>> Experiencing new depth to my relationship with my family due to their efforts in offering emotional support over the last couple of months or so.
Do you enjoy the podcast? A little favour…
Over the course of 99 episodes, I’ve tried to encourage listeners to rate the show on Apple Podcasts because it’s difficult to be very visible on there if you don’t have a juggernaut media owner behind you. Rating and reviewing the show goes a long way. It takes just a few seconds and you can add a short note if you like. If you can take a few moments, I’d really appreciate it —how-to guide here.
YAY Natalie!
So good to hear your voice again and appreciate you sharing your ups and downs over the last few months!!! You have made such a tremendous impact on so many who have been hurting and knocked down. What a remarkable stamp you’ve left in the world. Be proud!
Looking forward to more podcasts as I navigate my way through the highs and lows of my relationship. (Currently low)
Thank you for coming back to us ?
Aw, thank you so much, Karen. I am incredibly touched by all of the messages I’ve received over the past few days. Sorry to hear that you’re feeling low. I hope the podcast does it’s little bit to raise you up.
Er, that was supposed to be a!, Not a ?
Fat fingers on cell phone ?
So excited! Love your podcast!
Thanks Natalie! Great name, haha!
Thank you so much for re- starting the podcast!!
Big love to you from Afghanistan!
Lovely to hear from you, LauraK. Big love to you too! xxx
So happy to hear your lovely voice again. Your podcast was a regular in my life (with lots of relistening) and helped me through some dark times. I’m so excited to hear what comes next!
I’m honoured, M. Thank you so much!
So glad to see you back!!!
Thank you! xxx
Welcome back, Natalie! We have missed you & your ever so wise advice. Look forward to hearing the next episode of the podcast ?
That was a smiley face emoji at the end, not a question mark!
I’m so thrilled you’re back! I’ve listened to all your podcasts 20x over…. they’re so incredibly helpful, I’m creating new neural pathways with them!! xx
OMG omg omg yes! I’m so excited and happy to see this! So good to hear your voice again ?
You are literally the first person to open my eyes about toxic relationship patterns, which was very life changing for me. You must be living in your purpose, as your work has made a positive impact on others, and is a blessing to humankind, thank you.
Hi Natalie
I’m so excited and relieved to hear you are back!!! Really love your podcasts and like others I’ve listened to them repeatedly, and they’ve really helped me through some difficult times. Im grateful for having learned so much from you. Welcome back! ?
Mine was a smiley too, that became a question mark!
So glad to see you back: I always recommend people listen to your podcasts, and I’ve listened to most of them multiple times so it’s great to see them back. One question – there’s no link on the menu to the ‘podcast’ section any more? It was an easy way to link into the podcasts, to refer people to them.
Thank you Karen for both the recommendations and the reminder. The link is back on the menu.
Natalie, what a great podcast keep up the good work!
Nat welcome back. I wondered about you when there was no new post for two months but I kept dropping in with hope there would be some new material. Keep well.
Welcome back Natalie! So grateful to hear your podcasts again! 🙂
Thank you, Carol. 🙂
Happy to hear you’re back to it Natalie!
And I’m so glad I get to finally say this:
Back around 2012-14 life was really rough for me, I was beyond stuck in people pleasing and being a willing doormat until I found out there was someone else in his life. At that point I found you and reading your posts were a huge lifeline for me.
Though initially I didn’t follow through with your best advice (more addiction than relationship) I heard you in my head and eventually I severed that relationship forever.
What I learned was that I was using that drama to avoid working on myself, dealing with other issues, and making an honest-to-God life for myself.
Now I have boundaries (what are those, right?) and for the first time I find myself standing back in new relationships and evaluating whether they’re good for me.
I never had a chance to say thank you before, so here I am now…..Thank you!
What a great surprise! So glad to hear that you’re podcasting again, Natalie. I’ll definitely give you a wee review and subscribe x.