After a nine-month breather, The Baggage Reclaim Sessions podcast is back! Before I get back into the usual weekly episodes, I offer a little insight into what I’ve been up to.

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your plan is not THE plan nat lue

I talk about:

>> When you’ve been doing something for so long that it feels like a part of your identity and some of the challenges this brings.

>> Letting go to get a sense of what you want to pick up again or start.

>> The challenging process of a book proposal and what it taught me about patience around my ‘plan’ and surrendering. It’s the same old “Your plan is not the plan” life lesson coming up again.

“With a book proposal, it’s similar to dating. If we can’t handle, for instance, writing a book proposal, receiving feedback, doing the edits, along with the uncertainty of the process, we’re going to struggle with writing the book.

Similarly, if we can’t handle talking to someone online, or going on a date, or going on a few dates, or the first argument, we’re not going to be cut out for a relationship. That’s not because we’re not cut out for a relationship full stop; it’s just that we have some work we need to do.”


>> What training for a marathon, running it and coming crashing down a few weeks later taught me about perfectionism and the importance of noticing how much you expect of yourself, as well as not taking for granted how much you do.

>> Experiencing new depth to my relationship with my family due to their efforts in offering emotional support over the last couple of months or so.

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Over the course of 99 episodes, I’ve tried to encourage listeners to rate the show on Apple Podcasts because it’s difficult to be very visible on there if you don’t have a juggernaut media owner behind you. Rating and reviewing the show goes a long way. It takes just a few seconds and you can add a short note if you like. If you can take a few moments, I’d really appreciate it —how-to guide here.

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