Thirty Days of Drama Reduction

On Monday, I’ll be starting a Thirty Days of Drama Reduction series. Every day I’m going to post an insight and tip about the inadvertent quest for drama and how to overcome your drama seeking tendencies so that you can learn to gravitate towards healthier...
The truth about ‘Nice Guys’

The truth about ‘Nice Guys’

The dating world is a complicated one full of dodgy dates, misconceptions, and pigeon holing galore, and none more so than with the quintessential hard-done-by Mr Nice Guy. But, are ‘Nice Guys’ really that ‘nice’? Trust me, it’s not...

Happy Valentine’s Day Boo!

If you’ve been reading this blog for long enough, you’ll know I’m not a big fan of this Hallmark day. Too much expectation and drama and not enough emphasis on the basic idea behind the day in the first place – celebrating your love. And that...

Advice: How do I get ‘better’ at sex?

I’m 35 and have not had a sexual relationship for 6 years. Prior to that I had only had a few sexual partners, though one in my early twenties had been my partner of 3 years. In my mid twenties I explored my sexuality and had relationships with women. Since my...

Advice: Can He Get Over My Cheating and Trust Me?

” My boyfriend and I have been together for 5 years (including a couple of months that we broke up). We have a 4 yr. old daughter together, she is perfect. When I first found out that I was pregnant, our relationship totally changed and he didn’t seem to...

Casual Sex Between Friends

Ah yes, CSBF. It can save your life, save your sanity, allow you to relax, and seem less desperate. But is it healthy? Let’s investigate a little further. First off, for those of you unfamiliar with the term, CSBF= Casual Sex Between Friends, now on with the...