The Baggage Reclaim SessionsGood morning! I’m about to head off to go ice skating for the first time since I was about fourteen! I can’t wait to surprise the kids and also enjoy being a big kid myself. I fell really hard all those years ago and was very self-critical about it at the time so it will be great to make fresh memories and let my younger self skate and laugh.

On another note, it’s time for a new episode of  The Baggage Reclaim Sessions podcast!

Here’s what I cover in episode 16:

The Booty Call Mentality: When the handyman from episode 4 showed up a few weeks back, all charm and acting as if nothing had happened because he wanted something from us, I realised that even when it’s not about sex, people can treat you like a booty call.

Regret: I talk about wanting to turn back time and about how a lot of what keeps us stuck is our inner critic having a pop and then us being almost paralysed to actually do anything.

Show Pony Parenting: I hear from so many people who want to forge closer relationships with a parent and end up hurt because their parent would rather make it look like they have a closer relationship on Facebook or when talking to people, but not actually put the effort in.

Listener Question – When do you end a close friendship? When you have an argument with a friend and don’t speak and then start speaking again but it’s super awkward still months later and it’s not going back to how it used to be, does it mean that it’s the end of the friendship?

What Nat Learned This Week: Em and I spent weeks faffing around about where to go for Christmas. In the end, I got up on Tuesday morning and started making decisions. Someone has to get the ball rolling!

You can listen to this podcast below. If you enjoy the show, please subscribeIf you’re new to podcasts, find out more about what they are and how to subscribe with this handy guide.

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Listener questions can be emailed to podcast AT baggagereclaim DOT com and if there’s a topic you’d love me to talk about, let me know!

Nat xxx

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