The Baggage Reclaim Sessions PodcastIt’s that time of the week again – there’s a new episode of my podcast, The Baggage Reclaim Sessions. Before I forget– thanks to all of you who emailed in referencing our goldfish. Sadly they both died within a week of each other! The kids were upset but they had a good send off with the girls singing, Adele’s ‘Someone Like You’ and, erm, Taylor Swift’s ‘Shake It Off’.

Here’s what I cover in episode 9:

Why do we want to break up ‘nicely’?: It’s not that we should want to give bad breakup but when we focus too much on how we look and managing that person’s opinion of us, ‘nice’ can end up backfiring, resulting in hurting the person far more than we would have done if we’d truly considered their feelings and the fact that it’s a breakup.

Why don’t we listen to our inner voice?: There are reasons why we don’t listen to the voice that represents our true self but if we want to be happier and to feel less at the mercy of our inner critic, we need to start respecting and listening to our inner voice. The 30-Day Project that I mention at the end of the segment is here.

When is the ‘right’ time to be exclusive?: So many people rely on numbers like 3 dates or X amount of weeks or months, or X amount of times slept together, as a gauge for when to be exclusive and this gets in the way of paying attention to the actual experience and getting a sense of what we really want and feel.

Listener Question – What does ‘Be Yourself’ mean?: This week’s listener lost herself in trying to be the ideal partner in her last relationship and is struggling to understand what ‘be yourself’ involves.

What Nat Learned This Week: I’ve been thinking that I’m not a routine person and it turns out that I’m a real creature of habit around food.

You can listen to this podcast below. If you enjoy the show, please subscribeIf you’re new to podcasts, find out more about what they are and how to subscribe with this handy guide.

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Nat xxx

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