It’s time for  The Baggage Reclaim Sessions to go on a break until the new year, so I thought I’d speak on the rather pertinent topic of acceptance. Every time we find ourselves wrestling with thoughts and problems that we’ve already grappled with, it’s because we’re still not accepting something. Or, we’ve forgotten the truth that we previously accepted.

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Some nuggets from the episode

We say/think things like:

  • Why are they like this?
  • Why can’t they be like _______? Or, if it were me, I would have ________.
  • It’s not fair. This shouldn’t be happening.
  • I can’t believe it.
  • I don’t want to feel this way.
  • But they are how they are. They’re not like the person we want them to be, and they’re definitely not us. Yes, it is happening. In fact, it’s already happened. And while we don’t want to feel this way, we do.
  • When I haven’t felt able to change my outer circumstances, I’ve gone inward. And when I’m unsure of what to do to change how I feel inside, I’ve done my best to change my outer circumstances without trying to influence and controllable the uncontrollable.

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Listener questions can be emailed to podcast AT baggagereclaim DOT com and if there’s a topic you’d love me to talk about, let me know!

Nat xxx

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