If being hard on yourself worked it would have worked by now

via ProjectHappiness.org

It’s time for a new episode of  The Baggage Reclaim Sessions podcast!

Here’s what I cover in episode 18:

When sarcasm backfires: Sometimes our dry humour doesn’t go down too well, leaving a person feeling that we’re mocking them, feeling superior, or trying to put them down. That’s what happened to me on the date that sparked my blogging journey plus so many of us get into hot water when we don’t gauge our audience or know when to quit with sarky comments.

Letting go of our ‘woundedness’: When someone does us wrong, we have a pretty good idea of how we feel that they should react and can become entrenched in our position of being the victim of their wrongdoing. I offer up some suggestions for gaining perspective, which helps us to let go, which also helps us to feel less chained to past events.

The practice of self-esteem needs consistent effort: I explain why self-esteem driven habits of thinking and behaviour that are built up over time do more for us than an occasional attempt at being nice to us. Check out the 100 Days of Baggage Reclaim: The Self-Esteem Project, that I mention.

Listener Question – How do I go about having an equal relationship next time? After a divorce from an arranged marriage, this week’s listener needs a little guidance on finding her feet, recovering her self-esteem and moving on to a healthier relationship.

What Nat Learned This Week: I’ve spent so much time thinking about going for a run that I could have gone for a run ten times over! I share how I named all of the so-called obstacles to me going out (e.g. my sports bra squeezing my boobs a bit too much…) until I’d run out of excuses because I’d fixed them all, and so I had to hit the road.

You can listen to this podcast below. If you enjoy the show, please subscribeIf you’re new to podcasts, find out more about what they are and how to subscribe with this handy guide.

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Listener questions can be emailed to podcast AT baggagereclaim DOT com and if there’s a topic you’d love me to talk about, let me know!

Nat xxx

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