Why Did We Break Up?

It’s time for a Why Did We Break Up? episode of The Baggage Reclaim Sessions.

One of the recurring themes in Why Did We Break Up? is people putting their partners on pedestals. It’s one thing when we pinch ourselves as if we can’t believe our luck when it’s the early days but we’ve got to give this up and level up with our partners if we want our relationships to be truly equitable and loving.

Naomi was in the process of ending a one-year relationship and planning to go travelling in Australia when she met Alex in a London club. She had no interest as she technically still had a boyfriend but a couple of weeks of some aggressive pursuit and she’d ended her relationship and started dating Alex. It got off to a flying start with a ‘pretend engagement’ on the first date but several weeks in he was accidentally calling her his ex’s name on holiday and talking about the ex all the time ‘we this’ and we that’ and despite much initial marriage talk, no ring ever materialised.

After waiting in vain for him to propose of his own volition, she finally broached the subject of marriage five years in only for him to reveal that he wasn’t sure if he wanted to get married although he assured her that he still loved her and that they were planning children together. Another year or so down the line and he’s not sure if he wants children but assures her that he still loves her. Another few months down the road and just one week before they close on a house purchase, he’s saying that he’s not sure how he feels about her. Another few months down the road and she finally ends it, only for him to say that he hadn’t been sure how he felt for a few years. Oh, and he’s now going out with a woman who has her own child. You couldn’t make this shizzle up!

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Nat xxx

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