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On this week’s episode of The Baggage Reclaim Sessions, I talk about turning 40 and why a rough week where I struggled with grief and confusion, caused me to hear the words, ‘I am here’.

  • I explain why, in a number of respects, I’d forgotten that I wasn’t ‘supposed’ to make it to this age based on the prognosis I was given a month before starting Baggage Reclaim twelve years ago.
  • I talk about how the turnaround I experienced in life led to a few years of being like, ‘Jaysus, I’m alive! Jaysus, I love someone! Jaysus, I’ve become a mother! Jaysus, I’m working for myself’, but that in a way, while I’ve never lost gratitude for these things, I think I did start pushing myself too hard because I wasn’t in that space of remembering that prognosis anymore.
  • I share why it wasn’t the first time in my life that I overcame a poor prognosis, but also why I must also remember that regardless of this, I do deserve to be here and I don’t need to ‘pay it off’ every day.

Links mentioned

I will be away for my 40th and at the time of writing this, I have no idea where I’m going, but just like with life itself, I know I’m going to have a good time. I’ll be updating my Instagram stories for anyone who wants to see where I am and what I’m up to.

Have a great weekend!

Next stop





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Nat xxx

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