You can keep your options open while dating, but know your ‘why’

If you have several exes (or prospective partners) lingering, you may reason that your dating pool investment has the potential to be rewarded if one finally coughs up a relationship. The idea is that you’re spreading and limiting your risk by not cutting anyone...

Gambler’s Fallacy and Romantic Relationships

There’s something called Gambler’s Fallacy. It’s where we think that if we’ve experienced, for example, a lot of something, that the odds of that happening in future is much lower. And vice versa. It’s connected to the misconception that...
“I thought we were soulmates”

“I thought we were soulmates”

When we believe that someone was our soulmate, yet the relationship didn’t work, it throws us into a tailspin. Whatever our ideas about what a soulmate constitutes, our experience doesn’t reflect how we believe things should be. The outcome contradicts our...