Yes some people have met the love of their lives and had lots of fun with online dating, but more often than not, it’s a pain in the ass. I did try it when I was single and I was a touch scared of the weirdo’s that are out there and how confrontational, over familiar and downright creepy people can be when they instant message or email you. Most of all, it’s other people’s experiences that lead me to really dislike online dating…
1. Liar, liar, pants on fire. Jaysus if you want to find the largest cluster of deluded liars, check out online dating sites. Many of these people could be done for violations of the trade description act if it applied to dating. False photos, pretend careers, false personalities, pretend lives, forgotten marriages, forgotten children, and much more. There is so much dishonesty it’s difficult to trust that someone is actually being honest when they are.

2. Unsolicited d*ck shots. For quite a lot of guys, it seems that making contact with a woman online means that it’s time to get their penis out, photograph it and send it to her. When Baggage Reclaim did a Penis Parade in the old forum over a year ago, there were literally hundreds of penis shots submitted by women who had got them from their online dating escapades. At least if you chat to a guy in a bar, he’s unlikely to whip his penis out unless he wants to get arrested….

3. Dumb profile names. As if anyone is supposed to believe that you’re not looking for a shag when your name is Hotdick69, Cumtomebaby, Sirlicksalot, Siliconelove, Barebacklover, and much more. Ugh!

4. Overfamiliarity breeds contempt. It’s like there is no decorum. Someone sees your photo and if you’re online, they IM you with an innuendo or send BS emails about how they are in love with you, want to meet you, or want to touch you, and all because they saw your picture and read your profile. When you’re face to face with someone and they make sexual innuendo’s when you barely know them, it’s not good. When it’s done by email or IM it’s downright laughable. I was amazed at how many guys skipped over introducing themselves and went straight into seduction!

5. Weirdo alert. You get a load of winks and there is always one guy that takes umbridge about the fact that you didn’t wink back or get in touch with him. Or they send an introductory email and let’s say you’ve had a busy week so you don’t look at your emails for a few days, they’ll be a string of increasingly terse emails from guys who are clearly highly insecure about the lack of reply.
6. Cheaters central. Online dating is the haven of people who should be logging off and spending time with their husband/wife/girlfriend/boyfriend. Instead they’re soliciting dates, having a flirt, sending dirty emails and arranging dirty get togethers with either unsuspecting individuals or other equally devious people. They even have special websites just for this type of extra-curricular activity…
7. RFTP. Read The F*cking Profile. I’d like to meet a guy between 25-34 based in London solicits men ranging age from 18 to 80 living in may different countries… People spend time writing profiles about interests, likes and dislikes, only for people who clearly didn’t read it to get in touch. And that’s all because these people aren’t really that interested in reading the profile, they just want to get into your pants.

8. It’s that Eighty:Twenty Rule. One set of people ruins it for the others. I’m sure there are honest people genuinely looking for friendship and love, it’s just that there is clearly an overwhelming majority who want to wreck it for them by abusing the opportunity to meet someone new and putting online dating in a bad light.

9. Why would I want to pay for a headache? Most of these sites get you to pay to avail of all of the communication options and to get full use of the site. But really, you’re just paying for lies and weirdo’s making their way into your inbox and potentially into your life.
10. Technology actually hinders communication in dating. Emailing, IM’ng and texting should not make up the bulk of any persons contact when they really want to embark on a relationship or even open up communication to start dating. Tone is open to interpretation and these type of communications ultimately make people lazy. But then again, making face to face contact with some of these crackerjacks could be more than you bargained for…


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