“It’s hard to have casual sex without getting emotionally involved,”

Normally I would attribute these words to a woman, but on this occasion, it is to Ben, someone who claims to be amongst a growing number of men who just aren’t into booty calls. Say what?

‘He’s Just Not That Into It’ in Details Magazine examines this sudden change in the wind as men decide that they don’t just get hard and have actually got more emotional capacity than a stone when it comes to indulging in casual sex.

Millions of women have found themselves being unsuspecting one night stands or booty calls because many men don’t have balls big enough to admit that it’s all that they want. Instead, they let these women get sucked into the illusion that they are embarking on the beginning of something beautiful, when in fact, it will meet a very sharp end the moment that they roll off them.

“Isaac says he won’t have sex with someone he’s not emotionally attached to. He once walked away from a no-brainer when a ‘gorgeous’ former student ‘told me she sucks really good dick’ because he felt he couldn’t be giving, as he was emerging from a bad break-up.”

Well it’s nice to know that there are examples of men turning down sexual opportunities that are handed to them on a silver platter, after all, Isaac could easily have had some ‘medicine’ to make himself feel better. I have no doubt that he felt very uncomfortable about slipping her the mickey, but this situation also represents something else – when it’s the woman that’s effectively in control or being blatant about her sexuality or desire for casual sex, it’s just not that exciting.

For many men that habitually engage in casual sex, they like to think that the woman has brought into the idea of being with them and may even be falling in love. I have had many a woman complain of being mistreated by guys because they have been upfront about the fact that they just want the guy for sex. The men on the receiving end of their candidness wasted no time in trying to take chunks out of their character or even trying to reel them in emotionally just so that they could prove a point.

I don’t think it’s fair for women to assume that all guys want sex but unfortunately the type of man that we have often been confronted with out in the dating world isn’t doing very much to dispel this generalisation. These men may be declaring themselves off booty calls but I don’t think they represent the great majority that sleep around.

The article goes on to discuss women believing that all guys want is sex and one man tells of how his sexuality was challenged and how he was badgered for sex all night by one persistent woman; the type of behaviour that if a guy was doing it would have him being called a “monster”. We’re accused of having further double standards when “Guys can be made to feel like dicks for withholding theirs” and that women take sexual rejection very personally.

What we have here is years of misguided social conditioning rearing its ugly head. There are years of repeated behavior coming back to bite men in the ass. By constantly helping to reinforce the idea that women should be up for casual shagging, many women have effectively jumped onto the bandwagon. The words ‘Be careful what you wish for’ have never been more apt!

Now that some women want it just as much as men, it’s just not that much fun anymore. In fact, these men are realising just how damn crass it can be. This is one of those situations where we are damned if we do, and damned if we don’t. When we are more resistant to casual sex, we’re seen as uptight, needy, or even frigid, but when we’re up for it, and even demanding it, it’s suddenly a case of these guys going ‘It’s my ball and I don’t want to play anymore.’

No does mean no regardless of whether it is a man or a woman that’s saying it and the inability to recognise when the chips are effectively down represents a disrespect of that persons wishes. It is wrong that a woman would choose to challenge a guys sexuality and badger him for sex when he’s declined the invitation. In trying to compete in what we think is a man;s world, some women try to think and act ‘like men’ and in this case, it’s not a good act.

Men have been socially conditioned to believe that they are supposed to run out there and sow their wild oats and on the flipside, many women believe that confronted with an easy sex opportunity, no guy will turn it down. It’s a vicious circle. The guys in this article are in tune enough with themselves to recognise the soulless life of constant meaningless sex but unfortunately the women who find themselves in these situations misguidedly think that sex equals intimacy and that the ability to get a man to sleep with you validates them as a person. Hence ‘He doesn’t want to screw me’ now equals ‘There is something wrong with me’ because after all, every guy wants sex don’t they?

To be fair to these guys, I believe them when they say that they really aren’t interested in casual sex or dialling a screw, but I don’t think that we’re about to have a sexual revolution here. I mean really: Wouldn’t all of our Christmas’ come together in one go if there weren’t so many emotionally unavailable men who were just after one thing and they suddenly started seeking committed relationships? Wouldn’t it be great to say goodbye to those annoying guys in our lives that only surface when it’s dark and call us late at night for a shag? Wouldn’t it be great to not have to hang our sexuality out there like a mascot in an effort to fit in with what we think society demands of us out there in the dating world? Wouldn’t it just but I don’t think we’re about to experience the death of the booty call or casual sex in general. Instead, rub your hands together in glee that there are a few more men in the available pool that actually want a committed relationship. Now, now no fighting ladies!

Read all about these guys over at Details Magazine

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