Nat Lue and her dadThis is definitely the hardest episode of The Baggage Reclaim Sessions that I’ve ever recorded and yet, it was cathartic and needed.
My father passed away on March 28th and I was right there at his side. I had in a way, dreaded his passing, expecting a tsunami of grief, but instead, while I am grieving, it’s just not what I expected, at all.
In this episode, I give a bit of backstory to this past 9 months, including how I felt that a series of painful events and how I overcame them, seemed to be about preparing me for that day when I would get the call about his cancer. I talk about the conflicting emotions I went through back then, how I, in essence, began grieving my father all over again with his diagnosis, and why I’m okay with us not having been in touch in the preceding four years.
I also share some of the comedy chaos of that final day, because you know my family are crackerjacks, along with what that all taught me, plus I let you know where I’m at now and why some of the struggle of ‘enoughness’ that I used to feel with each of my parents and worked to leave behind, showed up in my work during this time.


Links mentioned

Episode 31 where I talked about having received the news that my father was ill




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Nat xxx

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