‘Average’ Men Turned Upside Down

I believe that you can pretty much divide men into three camps: Nice Guys, Bad Boys and Mr Unavailables, but many women talk about ‘average men’, usually with disdain. Average by its very nature implies middle of the road, nothing special and to many...

Bad Boy Lovers

If you do a quick straw poll of a group of women and ask them what they prefer, it’s likely to be a Bad Boy. Ask them what they want to marry and it’s likely to be a Nice Guy. Ask them who they pursue and fall in love with, it’s a Bad Boy. Ask them...

How to Spot a Player (Playa)

We’ve all been there when a guy has a whiff of doggy dog about him and screams Bad Boy, yet it’s clear that not only can some women not read the signs but they don’t do anything with the knowledge. Here are 21 tips to keep you out of a player’s...