Guest post: How To Date Baggage FREE!

Today on day 12 of the 30 Days of Drama Reduction series, Hot Alpha Female is delivering an empowering wake up call and action plan for saying bye-bye to baggage…. So you’ve decided that its time to clear the baggage. Now you want to know how. You’ve...
No Ex On The First Date

No Ex On The First Date

You’re on a date. You’re both nervous and you make polite chit chat. Maybe you order a drink and loosen up a little and you’re both tentatively finding out about each other. You start talking about dating/relationships/how you’ve come to be on...
Why don’t men call after a great date?

Why don’t men call after a great date?

Right now as you read this, there are hundreds of thousands of people out on first dates and by the end of the date, they’ll either be praying they never have to see the person again, or crossing their fingers behind their back that the other person feels as...