Nat Baggage Reclaim and the kids

Happy New Year! I hope that whatever you’ve been doing over the last week or so, that you’ve been able to be kind to you and that if you haven’t, that you’re resolving to invest in you in 2016 and beyond.

I’ve enjoyed a couple of weeks of downtime and it’s been just what I needed because I was exhausted. We had a few days of being out every evening (I’m not cut out for partying several nights in a row anymore!) and then we declared ourselves in rest mode. For once, our Christmas shopping was finished early and the gifts were wrapped days before because we were going away and we got to hang out with my brothers before we headed off to Cornwall (south-west England) for a break in the countryside. Idea was to be drama-free but there was a bit of it on Christmas Day when my mama decided to try and tell me all about myself on a call– all I could do was step away by ending the call and remembering, “That’s not mine, it’s hers and I’m sending it right back”. I’ve taken the decision to just leave things be. It’s the whole accepting the things you cannot control. You can love people… from a distance, and with healthy boundaries. Aside from that blip (which incidentally would have impacted me far more deeply in the past), I had a great time going on walks with the kids, playing Uno, reading, sleeping my head off, and exploring Cornwall. If you go, the Eden Project is a must!

Here’s what I cover in episode 17:

My review of 2015: I went through my fair share of challenges last year and in fact, I started the year in a very painful space that gradually yielded to become very healing. I take you through my year and what I learned along the way plus I share my key takeaways including how I’ve learned to mother myself a bit more and to ask for help.

New Year’s Resolutions: I talk about why we find them tricky to stick to and how we put unnecessary pressure on ourselves, plus I share some tips for making resolutions have a better chance of sticking, regardless of what time of year it is.

In the final part of the show, I share some guidance for entering into 2016 from a place of love, care, trust and respect. Compassion matters.

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Nat xxx

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