The Vicious Cycle of Undervaluing Yourself

The Vicious Cycle of Undervaluing Yourself

While chatting with a friend who is only a few months in business and having her doubts about continuing because of how she feels about valuing her work she said, “I don’t feel worthy of charging the proper rate yet”. As a result, she’s been charging much less to get...

No One Wants To Get Left Behind or Passed Over

Our romantic relationships and life in general imitate what occurs in the workplace. People are at various levels and have all started at different times and with different experiences and perspective. Each worker has their own idea of what they bring to the table and...

How I learned to love myself Part 2

Following on from yesterday’s post where I shared my experiences of learning to love myself, here is my follow up with my last few suggestions although it is far from being an exhaustive list. I interrupted my own negativity. At first it was a bit of an effort...