In a continuation from part 1, I explain what the assclown archetypes of controllers, liars, manchildren, and assclowns suggests about your own character and relationship habits:

What does being with a Controller say about you?

If you’ve found yourself with a guy who is a bully, manipulative, jealous, possessive, you aren’t sure of who you are as an entity. Your uncertainty makes it easy to shift around to [over]accommodate those around you.

Controllers come in many guises. Some sneak up on you with little comments here and there that gradually build so that one day you suddenly realise that you’re not who you started out as – Choppers. If you live in the UK and watch Eastenders, Peggy Mitchell looks ridiculous since she got together with her controlling assclown fiancé with a dodge hairdo and and hideous clothing, watching every word she says for fear of getting on the wrong side of him.

Some guys are more obvious with it. Some will tell you straight up that you don’t meet their exacting standards. In your mind, their attitude signals that if you work really hard to please and do as they say, you’ll win them. They behave like a shit and you’re convinced it’s your fault for being less than.

This happens to many women.

If you’re with a controller, you mistake his pathetic need to control you as his way of demonstrating he cares.

You don’t believe that you’re worthy and good enough. When he starts controlling you, you take it as confirmation. You believe his being in your life makes you a better person. He, in fact, steals your character like a thief in the night and ensures you’re dependent on him… for misery and for your ‘happiness’.

You’ve become codependent. Even though he is the source of your misery, he can also feel like the basis of what you know about yourself making it very difficult to cut him off because you feel lost without him. If he is particularly abusive/nasty, you won’t have enough self-worth left to be able to recognise what a nasty, weak, chump he is.

He is abusing you, whether emotionally, verbally or physically and/or emotionally abusing you via control so you’re not free to be yourself.

If you tend to be involved with controllers on any level, there is a very self-destructive side to you. You’re likely to mistake the familiarity of fear and pain with love. It’s likely you will feel helpless and weak as this is a vicious cycle to extricate yourself out of.

What does being with a Liar say about you?

Ah, the wonderful world of living with the deceptive. From cheats, to Pinnochios that swear black is white and white is black, to fraudsters leading double lives, these men are bloody nightmares! It doesn’t matter if he tells lots of ‘little lies’ or specialises in ‘big’ ones, lies are lies. It’s very possible if you are with a liar, liar, pants on fire, that you’re likely to buy the line that he lied to you to protect your feelings.

If you knowingly involve yourself with men that have to be deceptive to ‘manage’ their relationships and you let them get away with it, it’s because you are in denial. You’re keen on fantasy, illusion, and betting on potential because you buy into the lies as much as they do.

In short, being involved with a liar is about an avoidance of reality. You’re a master sweeper under the carpet and living the lie means you don’t have to face yourself either. If you absorb lies into your relationship, the world as you see it becomes very distorted. You have to twist everything else to fit the lie.

When things go tits up as they tend to with these men, you’ll say it’s because he let you down, didn’t come through on his promises, led you on a merry dance, and never did quite learn to tell the truth. This is true. However, in denying yourself and the life you live with a liar, the relationship fails because you’re not living a real life with the real you. The truth is ultimately stronger and greater than fiction.

What does being with Manchild say about you?

Overgrown babies are the scourge of many a modern relationship. From emotionally unavailable men, to player playas, to those that deplete your financial reserves or refuse to move out from their mummy’s and more, they bring a whole new meaning to the saying ‘Once a man, twice a child.’ If you find yourself with a manchild, it’s because you have instincts to over-nurture and be over-responsible. You’re also likely to have issues with control.

You’re trying to raise men from the ground up. Rather than deal with yourself and then go out and find a guy that reflects your desires, values, etc., you take a shortcut, choose a ‘less than’ man, and then try to turn him into what you want.

When he fails to meet your expectations, you feel cheated and unrewarded. Often you’re afraid of dating a decent guy for fear he may see the negative things you believe about yourself. Dating down or, as I put it, ‘dating beneath you’ makes you feel better about your relationship experiences. Plus, when things turn out like the self-fulfilling prophecy indicated, it’s actually because you’re controlling your experiences and environment by knowing what negativity to expect.

Being with a manchild with the emotional age and capacity of soggy cardboard says a lot about you. While you are connected to some of your emotions, it’s in a negative way. If you dealt with your emotions in a healthy way and engaged in emotionally healthy relationships, quite frankly, you wouldn’t pee on these manchildren if they were on fire.

But manchildren are ten a penny out there. They cater to old beliefs that men don’t know they’re born and need the love of a good woman to realise their best.

Raising a child is exhausting work but often rewarding. Raising a grown man that you shag and have needs from is soul and self-esteem destroying. Oh, and often the people that get rewarded are him… and the next woman.

Many women who love manchildren are high achievers and very successful. Manchildren seem easier because you may believe that men on your level will feel threatened. Or you secretly may not believe you have what it takes to get a man on your level. Being with a more evolved man seems quite scary and would put you out of control. You have commitment issues and fear of losing control. Manchildren, in many respects, seem easier.

With a manchild, his ridiculousness seems to trump whatever issues you have, so these are great guys for cruising and hiding your own problems behind. Trust me, if you’re with a manchild, life is one big avoidance.

What does being with an Asshole say about you?

Assholes are grade A assclowns or ‘untouchables’. There are many assclowns out there that don’t recognise their behaviour for what it is, but Asshole Assclowns do. Any of the other assclowns can just as easily slot into this category if they’re particularly nasty. Think full-on narcissists, beaters, habitual cheaters, criminal assclowns, fraudsters and, in essence, men that a woman in her right mind would never touch.

These men may represent excitement, and in other instances they may represent the nastier side of what you have experienced in the past and what you believe about yourself. Your friends and family will despair of your involvement with a man like this. It’s just a shame that you don’t.

You are addicted to heavyweight drama.

His being a bastard is oddly exciting, and you enjoy competing for his attention, often in a narcissistic harem. You don’t think you bring very much to the table, so he represents everything of what you believe is good in your life. In an odd way, you enjoy the uncertainty. Sometimes you enjoy the misery because you’re not comfortable being happy or around men that don’t have mean tempers, a parole officer, or a penchant for running up huge debts and then running off.

You’re quite a big optimist. You’re very focused on what he’s like on his ‘good days’, which are actually few and far between. You, too, are in denial, and you’re hiding behind the greatness of his assclownary.

I don’t think you believe that you can get out or that there is better out there for you. You’re a settler of the worst kind that believes she’s made a bed that she has to lie in. Note: you don’t.

As I said in part 1, this is about giving you food for thought and reminding yourself when you’re analysing him and playing back every moment from your relationship that if you want real progression, you need to take the focus off him and bring it right back to you. When this is all a distant memory and you’re standing in front of a good man or looking at yourself in the mirror and feeling happy and blessed about what you see and know about yourself, you’ll realise that in changing how you think about yourself and who you engage with, your life has become infinitely more positive.

Your thoughts? Do you recognise why your relationships are not working? Please share your thoughts!


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