Coping With and Moving On After a Breakup Commandment 2: Thou Shalt Not Obsess

Yesterdays post was about the first commandment: Thou shalt cut off this ‘Let’s be friends’ mallarky, a call to action for any woman who has been caught up in the confusing world of being friends with their ex. Today’s post is for all of the...
The Drama Reduction 12-Step Programme

The Drama Reduction 12-Step Programme

I have decided to take a typical 12 step AA programme and create a drama reduction one. 1. We admit that we are Drama Seekers and addicted to relationship crack. Our relationships and sense of self have become unmanageable. 2. We are in charge of ourselves and our...
The truth about ‘Nice Guys’

The truth about ‘Nice Guys’

The dating world is a complicated one full of dodgy dates, misconceptions, and pigeon holing galore, and none more so than with the quintessential hard-done-by Mr Nice Guy. But, are ‘Nice Guys’ really that ‘nice’? Trust me, it’s not...