You can’t date or forge a relationship without chipping in – it’s the cost of participation

You can’t date or forge a relationship without chipping in – it’s the cost of participation

When I overheard a friend advising a business associate to stop solely focusing on the initial money spent on a business venture and to address the real issues and decisions at hand first, I thought of the many stories readers share with me. One of the reasons that...
Getting Blinded By Your Principles

Getting Blinded By Your Principles

It’s the principle of the matter. Why should they get away with making a mug out of me?It’s the principle! They said that they loved me/would do _______! And I’ll be damned if they get away without delivering. I would never do/say _________ if I...

Are You An Over-Giver? People Who Give Too Much

Many stories about unhealthy relationships or situations where it’s not mutual but there are attempts to make it mutual and ‘level’ are about one person not knowing when to back off and stop/reduce giving. All of these people end up extremely hurt,...