Translation:Just to give you some forewarning, I’ll never really mean to hurt you but I will anyway and won’t take any responsibility for it.
I don’t connect my actions with the impact on you or the relationship because I tend to only really think about myself and I’m short-term thinker – I think about what I can get now without real thought for the consequences.
If someone doesn’t understand what they did to cause you pain, what is to stop them from repeating the behaviour? A lot of people have relationship patterns which means that they have an awareness of what they are likely to do. They may have ideas to be different ‘this time’ but if they go to the trouble of saying this, it means they’ve resigned themselves to inevitably causing you pain.
You hear: He doesn’t want to hurt me because he cares about me so much, which means he didn’t mean it when he hurt me so I’ll forgive him anything.
He says: You’re out of my league.
Translation:I don’t see the potential that you do – stop dreaming.
You’re too good for me and I know it as well because you should be running in the opposite direction.
You’re too good for me – I don’t believe in me.
While sometimes it will be insecurity talking, if the person who is saying it keeps saying it, it’s likely to be a prelude to them acting up whether that’s cheating on you with someone who is more in their ‘league’ or just gradually whittling down your self-esteem as you try to show that you’re not on the pedestal that they appear to have put you on. Basically, it can be an indicator of negative energy from someone that may result in being possessive, controlling, jealous etc. In other circumstances of course, it may be a sign of someone who is lacking in confidence but they’re a good person. You have to work out which one you’re with, but you also need someone who is going to stop second-guessing the relationship and believe in it. They need to take you down off the pedestal and be on an even footing otherwise it creates a healthy imbalance where you appear to be looking down.
You hear: Oh how sweet! He thinks I’m too good for him but I’ll show him. I have so much love to give and I know I can help him to see his potential. He just doesn’t believe in himself. Maybe I should downplay my needs….
He says: Nobody will love you the way that I do.
Translation:I’m narcissistic and deluded enough to believe that how I treat you and the crumbs I give you, are wonderful and a loaf. I don’t believe you deserve better than how I treat you and know that you have low self-esteem and doubts that you can do better…after all, you wouldn’t be with me otherwise.
I’ve had this said to me a couple of times and from personal experience and those of many others, I can assure you that when you hear these words and you’re in a relationship where you are unhappy, not having your needs met, low self-esteem etc, be very, very afraid – men like this think they’re as good as it gets for you.
You hear: He is loving me the best that anybody can and I should be grateful. He’s obviously loving me in spite of my flaws and I need to realise that I can’t do better than this. If I leave, I won’t get this ‘love’.
He says: I’m bad news.
Translation:I’m bad news.
Really it’s as simple as that. Don’t get things twisted and try to see a meaning that doesn’t exist. You should be damn bloody worried when someone tells you that they’re bad news because it means that they know that they mean you no good. He knows that he will screw up your life if you hang around. One word: run!
You hear: He’s too down on himself. I know he says he’s bad news, but I know better. How could someone I’m crazy about be bad news?
He says: I wish I had met you before I met her.
Translation:If I’d met you before her, we could’ve been together, but I’m not leaving her. You’re good to have as an option and if you’re up for it, we can sleep together.
In a situation like this, you’ll feel rejected because he won’t choose you over ‘her’. For someone to be saying this, a conversation needs to have started that is based on you seeking validation from him and asking him why he can’t be with you – you’re trying to get him to leave someone.
You hear: He’s crazy about me and wishes he could be with me, it’s just her that stands in the way of us being together. I think I should show him how much I love him because he won’t be able to resist me and he’ll leave.
He says: I have nothing to offer you.
Translation:Stop expecting from me. I don’t have what you need, either because you have conveyed it to me through actions or words.
I don’t have anything to offer you because irrespective of how little or how much you need, I’m not offering. Period.
I know exactly what I’m prepared to offer and it’s less than what you need.
I think you’re the type of person that needs A/B/C and I cannot give you this.
One way or another, this person has drawn the conclusion that they are not capable of meeting your needs. It may be they’re giving you an early warning not to get too attached or that you have come across as ’emotionally demanding’. Maybe you made a comment about finances, or plans that you have and it has triggered this statement. Either way, this person is telling you that they cannot meet your needs. You can question the validity of this statement with them as it may be a misunderstanding, but you may discover that no matter what you say you do or don’t need, they’re still claiming the same thing, which means that literally have nothing to offer you because they don’t want to.
You hear: Oh, he’s selling himself short. Maybe he thinks I’m being needy. I’ll show him that I really don’t need very much at all
He says: Every time something starts to get serious, I freak out and sabotage it.
Translation:I will not allow a relationship to progress. Even though I know I sabotage things, I have no desire to change. If you have any sense, you’ll keep things light and not expect, need or want from me.
I’ve been analysing my feelings for you or how I feel about having a relationship with you. I don’t know how to explain how I feel but I know that I don’t love you enough to want a relationship with you.
I don’t love you in ‘that’ way. I can’t love you in the way that you want to be loved or deserve to be loved.
You hear: He’s telling me because he wants to be different with me but he needs me to take it slow and not be needy.
He says: Let’s be friends.
Translation:Please say you’ll be friends because I won’t feel like a bastard.
Let’s be friends – I don’t mean it but it’ll get you off my back because I don’t want to keep talking about the relationship.
Let’s agree to be friends – I want to keep a foot in the door, hit you up for a shag and an ego stroke on occasion and stop you from moving on by hinting that we might be together again.
Someone who genuinely wants to be your friend after you break up will realise you need some time to heal and they will only be your friend and stay within boundaries. They’ll be respectful and they won’t try to force their own agenda.
You hear: He really wants to stay in my life and I really want him in my life too. He really cares about me and values me. Hopefully when we’re friends, he might realise how great we could be together without the pressure of the relationship.
He says: I do not have a soul.
Translation:I feel nothing. I’m devoid of empathy, love, and care.
You hear: What does he mean he doesn’t have soul? Of course he does! I’m crazy about him! He’s obviously been hurt before…let me be there for him and understand him…
He says: I’m a terrible person.
Translation:I’ve done terrible things that I think make me a terrible person – why are you here?
You hear: He can be different with me – he just hasn’t had my love. Everyone deserves a second chance and someone to believe in them.
Here’s some: “I don’t want to ruin what we have.” (Explaining why we need to stay friends, and not in a relationship). And,..”I care enough about you to tell you I’m not safe.” And,… “If we have sex, there will be feelings,..and I’m not ready for that with you.”
on 01/06/2010 at 9:44 pm
i think the first and third ones combine into a “I’m not sexually attracted enough to you to make it worth the FEELINGS you’ll develop for me and I”ll have to deal with”
on 02/06/2010 at 6:18 am
OMG. Are you serious? I think I am going to be sick… His current girlfriend is actually fat,… I am not. However, she has big boobs. I guess that makes all the difference? Really,..I’m sick,…
Moving on in 2010
on 02/06/2010 at 5:10 am
@Michelle-these are the same words that my ex-EUM used on me. “I don’t want there to be any hurt feelings. Can we just be friends? I don’t want to sacrifice our friendship.” I wanted to do everything to keep him in my life (which meant having the relationship on his terms), so of course I obliged. NOT ANYMORE. I was tired of him affecting my self-esteem. As a result, I told him we could no longer be friends. Letting go was one of the hardest things I’ve ever had to do, but in order to get my sanity back, I had to do it.
on 02/06/2010 at 6:20 am
…And how long until the pain disappears? I can’t wait…
on 01/06/2010 at 6:42 pm
I just recently got the “you’re too good for me” line, which I believe is another variation of “I’m not the kind of man you want me to be.” I’ve gotten this line from three different guys. So why do I stubbornly forge ahead with these guys anyway? I guess something in me wants to prove that I’m not good for them, or they ARE good enough. Either way, no one really wins in the end.
tiffany hall
on 01/06/2010 at 8:14 pm
Hi Natalie,
You are amazing! You’ve been always wonderful in analyzing what’s inside the mind of Mr. unavailables. Can you interpret what does it mean why someone says: “I’ve failed you and you definitely deserve someone who can love you wholeheartedly”; “I hope one day if I am ready, you are still available for me”; “I still care for you”; “I have never loved someone so much and you have taught me what is real love”. When I decided to break up with my AC, he text me almost every other day begging us to remain friends.
Enough is enough, I am so sick of this kind of declarations. I found out he said this to his exes as well. What a jerk!
on 02/06/2010 at 5:55 pm
All those lines are crap he says when he wants to confuse you so you won’t move on so he can keep his foot in the door, in your heart, in your head, in your way of moving past him.
Also, if he was going to die without you seriously needed you, why text something like that. Someone in dire fear of missing their true love would show up on their door step. These guys are unbelievable.
I dated someone who always said, “You have to admit you’ll never meet someone like me, I’m one of a kind, you’re lucky to know me”….which I always thought was his spin on “Nobody will love you the way that I do” and I always replied something to the effect of I hope I never met anyone like him, especially towards the end of things.
on 01/06/2010 at 8:55 pm
Thank you so much for this article and this website. The dirtbag I thought I had been seeing for six years would flip flop between, you are the only one for me and the only one I want to be with- and – I dont want to hurt you, We are just friends- but you are my best friend-… blah blah. Thank you.
This is helping ease the pain and helping me realize I dont want cry over someone like that anyway.
on 01/06/2010 at 8:58 pm
I have said once to someone that I love him in a way that no one else will. Was that selfish of me to say? I really loved this person and thought by saying that he may realize what he has lost.
Sometimes we hear these phrases and somehow we twist them around in order to deny the ugly truth.
We may feel that something is wrong but we do not want to truth to be spoken out loud.
I once told a guy to tell me right into my face that he does not love me. It hurt so much but I needed to hear the words in order to fully believe it.
Oh and the thing with “let´s be friends”…. well yeah, let´s better forget that.. we probably have all been there and it never worked.
I have been reading this blog regularly and since then I started to really overthink my behavior (and the behavior of my so perfect ex) and I have come to realize that there many women out there who have been hurt and fooled many times .. they have invested into something that would have never worked out anyways but nonetheless they kept trying.
I know now what i did wrong, and even more what he did wrong.
I have been in a very emtional up and down relationship (was it even a relationship???) with someone, and it was really hard to move on for good.
By reading the posts of other women here, i have come to understand that looking back without any bitterness or harsh feelings is the best way to move on and become a better and bigger person.
U admit u made mistakes and you try not to fall into the same trap again…. you work on yourself and then show the world your better and stronger you..
on 01/06/2010 at 9:41 pm
Mine said these while drunk, but he’s drunk often, and he’s more real when he is. when sober, he wears a careful social mask:
“I’m a bad man” (good Lord. what on EARTH. pity party or self truth?)
“I’ll live and die alone”
this was AFTER he blew cold, i broke it off, then we had a couple conversations and tried to settle on friends but it never really worked and now i’m totally NC
on 01/06/2010 at 9:51 pm
ok, my ex said I was out of his league repeatedly. He was very insecure and used that to beat me down below his level so he could feel better about himself. Now if a man ever says those lines, I run away very quickly.
on 01/06/2010 at 9:54 pm
Thanks Natalie for another great post! The commentor who suggested the book “men: translated” is a great idea. These ACs have so many lines, so many lies!! One almost feels like “am i living in the twighlight zone?” I think I’ve heard them all too, but the one that really stuck out for me and I saw it here as well was “no one will love you the way I do” You were spot on about men who use this particular line. They really believe that you don’t deserve any more than the measly crumbs they throw your way. It’s as if they’re saying “who are you to want more? who are you to demand anything? You’re nothing and you’re worth nothing.” that’s how i felt when one of my EUM made the statment to me. the sad thing is for years I believed him b/c i kept meeting men like him. Then I realized that I was the common denominator in all my relationships and it was incumbent upon me to stop playing victim and CHANGE MYSELF!! That was such an empowering thought. It has been hard, very hard but I felt so much better once I decided to do good by me and be better to me. and I still feel better even now… I’m single and I love it, b/c I can do bad all by myself. I don’t need any man to help me with that. These types of men will make these worthless, shameless comments (mostly b/c they are worthless and shameless) but we don’t have to be with them, we really don’t. WE CAN LEAVE, we can leave, we can leave. God that sounds good. It took me 15 years of dealing with AC and EUMs to realize I don’t have to accept their crap… and when they tell me any number of these lines they are doing me FAVOR!! Thanks Natalie and keep up the great work!
Some of these sayings I’ve heard before from other men or from friends who have told me that is what their men have said! It is the fact that women ‘over analyze’ everything and the hope in the message being something that can be turned into a positive, that allows us to hear what we want to hear and not get the real translation. This was a fun post to read:) Thanks.
I had a hard time reading these “meanings” because they are all so true. With the meanings and then what I thought he was really saying..was so on the mark it was scary.
My AC has said every single one, except that he has cheated on every girlfriend.
It was so weird because the first of these came on the day he broke up with me for a matter of fact I’m sure he must of set some kind of world record for achieving all the excuse’s in the same conversation! Oh, the others would be “I have tried to make this work every-time we get back together”, which was BS, because every-time we got back together it was the same. He would sabotage the relationship with “I have anxiety”.(another one of his sayings) The only anxiety that he had was that he knew he was a lier and a user.
I had decided to not see him as painful as it was. Can you even believe that I’m saying that, like it is my problem? Yes, he has worked my self worth into a deep hole. But NO, that wasn’t enough for me, so he did call yesterday and asked if I would like to go to dinner. It took me a long time to answer, but I was weak and said yes. Of course, we had a lovely time as usual until he told me how he had gone out all weekend and was talking to a woman in a bar and she told him “my friend thinks your hot and wants to go out with you”. Why did he have to tell me that? Didn’t he realize that it would hurt me to no end after 20 months of being together? So I told him to go for it..there was nothing left to say. Then he just looked stunned and said maybe it wasn’t a good idea to ask me out. So I just told him if you plan on dating and have that need I wont be in your life at all, you will never see or talk to me again. Which he continued to just star at me and not say anything. Yes I finally took a stand for myself!!! it actually felt good. Then all the thought of OH GOD I JUST RUINED IT came in. But really what is left to ruin that he hasn’t taken care of already right?
I did fall in love with him, but the heartache level is so great that its almost a relief to know that I won’t be in contact with him. You would think that a 56 yr old guy would want to settle down and not keep telling me that he doesn’t feel anything since his wives (yes 2 wives) cheated on him.
Maybe he should see what the common denominator is and see that his controlling, EUM, narcissistic, OCD on crack, and a wondering eye would have to do with anything!
I’m hurting that this has ended, but once my self love and worth come back I’m sure that I will survive and see what this relationship really was….which was nothing good. Love shouldn’t hurt so much and shouldn’t have you always wondering where you stand..or even if you have a date for the weekend..or even worse, if after making love he’ll ask you to leave because of his anxieties!!! I am such an idiot its embarrassing.
on 05/06/2010 at 10:36 pm
“It was so weird because the first of these came on the day he broke up with me for a matter of fact I’m sure he must of set some kind of world record for achieving all the excuses in the same conversation!”
Don’t feel alone, dearest gigi… I am pretty sure the excuse-wheel used throughout my last “situation” could put anyone’s to shame… of course, I was the “translator” who swallowed it all.
on 02/06/2010 at 12:54 am
Those were all outstanding translations, and accurate 100%.
I’m loving your book bundle by the way – on chapter 3 🙂
.-= Aurora´s last blog ..Conscious Awareness =-.
on 02/06/2010 at 3:30 am
My relationships have all been the same. Yes, we all want to love and be loved except by our own selves. What is with that? I have been in a relationship for three months now and we were and still are (on his terms) doing well. He wants to be friends with his past “love” even though she did not want a romantic involvement with him. He says he needs her friendship. This is not okay, so I have backed off and then gone back for more. After all they are only “friends”. Well I am miserable when I think about it. He has asked me if it is okay if he meets her . He doesn’t get that it is hurtful to me and I don’t get it because I have let it happen thinking he will give up on the friendship he wants from her. Wow, what is that about??
on 05/06/2010 at 3:55 pm
Move on. At 3 months you have a better chance of healing faster. This dude is just having his cake and eating it too… best of both worlds does exist and he is having it. He is holding on to his ex- cause he needs her to validate him. She is the one who didnt want him romantically so he needs to prove to her that he is worth it. Are you gonna wait whilst he does that? and what guarantee do you have that he would stay with you if they happen to hit a spark and get it on?Really, you dont need this. and i am sure he “meets” her without you!
on 02/06/2010 at 3:52 am
Proud to say I’m 3 mos NC and it’s starting to get easier. The rose tinted glasses are coming off and I’m realizing that I never really had anything with my EUM, which makes it easier to realize… thank god I didn’t win him!! Talk about an almost for sure life of unhappiness. I’ll leave him to his next trophies (victims). This particular EUM was fond of the “I wish I had met you first” and even after he left her…”what if things were different?”. Never could understand why he couldn’t just live in the now and deal with his feelings in the present. But no, always burying them with excuses and running away. After so many times of the hot and cold I finally got so embarrassed that I initiated NC. It’s so eye opening to realize that this issue is really about me, my abandonment issues, and coming to terms with the fact that I didn’t love myself. I am determined to change that so that I never am attracted to another pain inducing EUM!!
Raven H
on 02/06/2010 at 5:01 am
Natalie…. Ladies….
The AC’s and EUM’s have there language and actions down pat. What are some signs, sayings, actions of a sincere man? I’m finding that I’m stronger mentally but also a tad jaded now. I’ve been NC for 2 months and may start dating in another 2 months. Just looking to have a better internal conversation about men.
on 02/06/2010 at 6:30 am
My internal conversations are not good,…about these kind of men. Problem is, I need a model to show me what the good kind look like 🙁 I know they exist, I have faith.
on 02/06/2010 at 6:23 am
This is too funny!
My ex told me he had an STD and on the same day told me he was a runner.
I said, “Hey, that’s okay.”
!!! ??? ! ?
on 02/06/2010 at 8:03 am
I think the most important insight I’ve had from this site is not that all EUM’s are bad people and they’re not EUM all the time – it may just be with me because I’m not what they want. The thing that I’ve really really finally learned is that I cannot second guess their motives. What I can do is listen to them and when I realise they are EU then I know it isn’t safe for me to fall in love with them which, for me, means I need to break up with them as I can’t do ‘casual’ (although I can do slow and sensibly cautious now).
on 02/06/2010 at 9:02 am
I have got – “I want to be with you but I am suspicious of white people.”
Then I tried to convince him that he had nothing to be suspicious about.
on 02/06/2010 at 1:26 pm
going thru NC and a year and a half reading here has made me firmly committed to listening HARD to the things people choose to say and trying HARD to speak my truth. I have always had the habit of verbally keeping it cool about commitment, to protect me from past hurts/ abandonment issues. But I stopped that a few years back and now I have learned to look for a man who is able to speak of the stability of commitment. Not so easy to find. I am not sure if there are a lot of players out there, or a lot of guys with fragile egos..or if having a fragile ego makes one a player.
My latest encounter went like this..friend who knows I am now single wants to date me, but in the first conversation on the subject says that we could just fool around since we are both really busy people. He adds that people are too busy for relationships these days and he could “cheer me up”. This of course would be accomplished sexually.
What I heard immediately is that this is not what I want , and it was easy to tell him we are looking for diff things and I am not interested.
The thing is he often laments that he is single. He may not be a player and very well might want to be in a committed relationship. But as long as he devalues the idea from the getgo..he is sabotaging a relationship before it begins. And thanks to the AC learning experience, I am never going there again.
I see that there is a level of maturity needed to not play it so cool that you lie about what you want. Honesty and stability are everything to me now.
on 02/06/2010 at 2:48 pm
@ Aphrogirl
Great point girl. Have to be able to see the nightmare from the trees. If he as so speaks opposite of committment you are doing exactly what you need to do by RUNNING in the other direction. Mine told me from the beginning that he wasn’t ready for serious relationship but we were in a relationship(on his terms ofcourse) but I chose to let him stick around until I came to my dam senses. Going into 3rd month of NC. HOORAY!!
on 02/06/2010 at 3:32 pm
Another one for your list:
“All of my former girlfriends have been the result of the girl taking the initiative.”
On the surface, it sounds cool, meaning, he doesn’t mind women taking the initiative, but when it’s a pattern……….
on 02/06/2010 at 3:36 pm
In my case, the guy acted out all these things, but never actually SAID them. That’s even worse. The only good thing is I know he wasn’t cheating on me.
Raven H
on 02/06/2010 at 9:12 pm
Gosh this was mine too. “Awesome” boyfriend, but said he “cared” about me. I broke it off and all the excuses and hot behavior came a
on 02/06/2010 at 5:14 pm
Some of those “messages” sometimes also mean: Hey, don’t try to force me to change into your ideal man. I am not that guy and it’s not going to happen.
The guy is establishing his boundaries in a passive-aggressive way.
on 02/06/2010 at 5:34 pm
Oh Nat, you should turn these little sayings into a little booklet! It would be something great to keep handy in the beginning stages of dating along with the Red Flags!
Raven H
on 02/06/2010 at 9:13 pm
I so agree. I keep going back to the books and here. Would be easier if I had a cheat sheet.
on 02/06/2010 at 5:45 pm
Natalie, I still think we need to turn these into the “Assclown Jeopardy” boardgame! LOL Thanks for giving me more fodder–I’ll have to come up with another version for some laughs.
In one of his “recent” attempts to get back in touch with me, the EUM said: “One of the biggest regrets I have in my life is not being able to commit to you back when I had the chance.” It had been a year since I had any contact with him and he somehow slipped through. I was removed enough from it all that I just couldn’t let that one slip by unnoticed. I told him he could quit whining because I wasn’t buying it. Told him if he meant it, then step up to the plate. He came back with some dribble (can’t even remember what it was), which reiterated his complete EUM self. Thank goodness I had moved on…yay!!!
on 02/06/2010 at 10:09 pm
I wish I had met you before I met her.
I heard this for 8 years! Now its been 5 mos of no contact from me except to say that I was going to have him arrested if he contacted me again. I feel free……….
on 03/06/2010 at 12:32 am
I got “I don’t want to hurt you” quite often. And I used to say, “So, don’t” and watch him turn, quite painfully, into a mushy puddle…and then I turned into one too and let him off the hook (-; Ohh, mushy puddles.
But yeah, it basically meant, “I’m going to hurt you.” It’s like in Snowboarding – when you look somewhere you don’t want to go, that’s where you end up going, cuz that’s where you’re looking! (-:
And it’s like, him saying he didn’t WANT to hurt me, was supposed to somehow absolve him of everything.
Well – I guess it does, now that I’ve learned that one! Fool me once, shame on you…fool me over and over again, and I’m probably acting the fool!
on 03/06/2010 at 7:53 am
I love the idea of a little book you can keep in your handbag – do it NML (before someone else steals the idea) Men:Translated – ‘how to keep your heart safe’
on 03/06/2010 at 8:43 am
The only way I could do NC with my AC was getting rid of my cell and not keeping his number (I tried not to remember it). This has worked quite well and I have had on contact with him for six weeks and I’ve almost completely forgotten him! For awhile there, I was sure I would never get over him and that we really had a “connection” even though our values were completely different. I did get involved with another AC in the meantime and will now have to start NC with him since he has proved to be worse then the first one. I am convinced I need to work on my boundaries and guard my heart before another AC flatters me and I turn to mush and fall madly in love while getting minuscule crumbs in return. Thanks NML and everybody who has shared their experience, it has been extremely helpful in knowing I’m not alone and sharing the pain! No more ACs and EUMs!
on 05/06/2010 at 5:48 pm
My last AC/EUM told me that I was too good for him and he was right.
I told him to get me off the pedestal that he’d placed me on because I can’t live up to that image in his head and that I’m only human and he was surprised at my comment. I knew right then that I was dealing with a man who has self-esteem issues and from my experience, men who has self-esteem issues are weak and would use their weakness to cheat, lie, and whatever excuse one with that issue may come up with.
on 14/06/2010 at 9:12 pm
Love these NML –
I have another one –
“this has nothing to do with you, don’t you understand?
I honestly feel that this was a time where he actually was so frusturated and wanted me off his back (at that moment anyway) THAT bad to tell me a liiiiiittle bit of truth.
I accepted his words, and the next day he sent a text “hey beautiful, i just wanted to say hi”
Oh man.
on 19/08/2010 at 7:45 pm
One of the things I love best about this blog is that there is a post for just about any occassion. I have been NC with assclown for 2 months and doing well, but had a low day and was thinking about the things he said to me when we broke up. At the time, I had sort of thought they were sweet and he was trying to be kind. Then I found this post and realized he simply had the patter down well – I am certain I wasn’t even the first time he had said it – I was out of his league, he didn’t want to hurt me, he had destroyed every prior relationship and cared too much about me to have me join the gallery of his exes, all of whom hated him and so he wanted to keep me in his life forever as a friend. What a load of crap!!! Is there a course somewhere that they teach these guys this stuff? Where do they come up with this? How is it they all know to say it? My assclown, despite no long term relationships, a load of exes who do hate his guts (many hitting him on their way out the door) and living with his mother at 40, still believes in his heart that he is the ultimate catch. Why? Because there are always a load of women around who are trying to catch him (sadly, for a few months, me included). We have to start taking responsibility for creating and sustaining these guys – their garbage wouldn’t work if we didn’t keep buying it, letting things slide, being more afraid to lose the relationship than our self-respect. If every woman simply told these guys to take a hike, they would learn quickly enough to start treating people right. Why do we keep selling ourselves so cheaply to the very people who least deserve it? A complete lack of self-love, self-worth and self-respect. I am fighting to get mine back. Thank you for this site – you have helped more women than you will ever know!!!
on 19/08/2010 at 8:33 pm
I was just talking with a girlfriend who recently had an EUM come back in her life, thankfully she knows better and we decided that these guys go to the same brainwashing school somewhere!
I’ve been running Baggage Reclaim since September 2005, and I’ve spent many thousands of hours writing this labour of love. The site has been ad-free the entire time, and it costs hundreds of pounds a month to run it on my own. If what I share here has helped you and you’re in a position to do so, I would love if you could make a donation. Your support is so very much appreciated! Thank you.
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Here’s some: “I don’t want to ruin what we have.” (Explaining why we need to stay friends, and not in a relationship). And,..”I care enough about you to tell you I’m not safe.” And,… “If we have sex, there will be feelings,..and I’m not ready for that with you.”
i think the first and third ones combine into a “I’m not sexually attracted enough to you to make it worth the FEELINGS you’ll develop for me and I”ll have to deal with”
OMG. Are you serious? I think I am going to be sick… His current girlfriend is actually fat,… I am not. However, she has big boobs. I guess that makes all the difference? Really,..I’m sick,…
@Michelle-these are the same words that my ex-EUM used on me. “I don’t want there to be any hurt feelings. Can we just be friends? I don’t want to sacrifice our friendship.” I wanted to do everything to keep him in my life (which meant having the relationship on his terms), so of course I obliged. NOT ANYMORE. I was tired of him affecting my self-esteem. As a result, I told him we could no longer be friends. Letting go was one of the hardest things I’ve ever had to do, but in order to get my sanity back, I had to do it.
…And how long until the pain disappears? I can’t wait…
I just recently got the “you’re too good for me” line, which I believe is another variation of “I’m not the kind of man you want me to be.” I’ve gotten this line from three different guys. So why do I stubbornly forge ahead with these guys anyway? I guess something in me wants to prove that I’m not good for them, or they ARE good enough. Either way, no one really wins in the end.
Hi Natalie,
You are amazing! You’ve been always wonderful in analyzing what’s inside the mind of Mr. unavailables. Can you interpret what does it mean why someone says: “I’ve failed you and you definitely deserve someone who can love you wholeheartedly”; “I hope one day if I am ready, you are still available for me”; “I still care for you”; “I have never loved someone so much and you have taught me what is real love”. When I decided to break up with my AC, he text me almost every other day begging us to remain friends.
Enough is enough, I am so sick of this kind of declarations. I found out he said this to his exes as well. What a jerk!
All those lines are crap he says when he wants to confuse you so you won’t move on so he can keep his foot in the door, in your heart, in your head, in your way of moving past him.
Also, if he was going to die without you seriously needed you, why text something like that. Someone in dire fear of missing their true love would show up on their door step. These guys are unbelievable.
I dated someone who always said, “You have to admit you’ll never meet someone like me, I’m one of a kind, you’re lucky to know me”….which I always thought was his spin on “Nobody will love you the way that I do” and I always replied something to the effect of I hope I never met anyone like him, especially towards the end of things.
Thank you so much for this article and this website. The dirtbag I thought I had been seeing for six years would flip flop between, you are the only one for me and the only one I want to be with- and – I dont want to hurt you, We are just friends- but you are my best friend-… blah blah. Thank you.
This is helping ease the pain and helping me realize I dont want cry over someone like that anyway.
I have said once to someone that I love him in a way that no one else will. Was that selfish of me to say? I really loved this person and thought by saying that he may realize what he has lost.
Sometimes we hear these phrases and somehow we twist them around in order to deny the ugly truth.
We may feel that something is wrong but we do not want to truth to be spoken out loud.
I once told a guy to tell me right into my face that he does not love me. It hurt so much but I needed to hear the words in order to fully believe it.
Oh and the thing with “let´s be friends”…. well yeah, let´s better forget that.. we probably have all been there and it never worked.
I have been reading this blog regularly and since then I started to really overthink my behavior (and the behavior of my so perfect ex) and I have come to realize that there many women out there who have been hurt and fooled many times .. they have invested into something that would have never worked out anyways but nonetheless they kept trying.
I know now what i did wrong, and even more what he did wrong.
I have been in a very emtional up and down relationship (was it even a relationship???) with someone, and it was really hard to move on for good.
By reading the posts of other women here, i have come to understand that looking back without any bitterness or harsh feelings is the best way to move on and become a better and bigger person.
U admit u made mistakes and you try not to fall into the same trap again…. you work on yourself and then show the world your better and stronger you..
Mine said these while drunk, but he’s drunk often, and he’s more real when he is. when sober, he wears a careful social mask:
“I’m a bad man” (good Lord. what on EARTH. pity party or self truth?)
“I’ll live and die alone”
this was AFTER he blew cold, i broke it off, then we had a couple conversations and tried to settle on friends but it never really worked and now i’m totally NC
ok, my ex said I was out of his league repeatedly. He was very insecure and used that to beat me down below his level so he could feel better about himself. Now if a man ever says those lines, I run away very quickly.
Thanks Natalie for another great post! The commentor who suggested the book “men: translated” is a great idea. These ACs have so many lines, so many lies!! One almost feels like “am i living in the twighlight zone?” I think I’ve heard them all too, but the one that really stuck out for me and I saw it here as well was “no one will love you the way I do” You were spot on about men who use this particular line. They really believe that you don’t deserve any more than the measly crumbs they throw your way. It’s as if they’re saying “who are you to want more? who are you to demand anything? You’re nothing and you’re worth nothing.” that’s how i felt when one of my EUM made the statment to me. the sad thing is for years I believed him b/c i kept meeting men like him. Then I realized that I was the common denominator in all my relationships and it was incumbent upon me to stop playing victim and CHANGE MYSELF!! That was such an empowering thought. It has been hard, very hard but I felt so much better once I decided to do good by me and be better to me. and I still feel better even now… I’m single and I love it, b/c I can do bad all by myself. I don’t need any man to help me with that. These types of men will make these worthless, shameless comments (mostly b/c they are worthless and shameless) but we don’t have to be with them, we really don’t. WE CAN LEAVE, we can leave, we can leave. God that sounds good. It took me 15 years of dealing with AC and EUMs to realize I don’t have to accept their crap… and when they tell me any number of these lines they are doing me FAVOR!! Thanks Natalie and keep up the great work!
Some of these sayings I’ve heard before from other men or from friends who have told me that is what their men have said! It is the fact that women ‘over analyze’ everything and the hope in the message being something that can be turned into a positive, that allows us to hear what we want to hear and not get the real translation. This was a fun post to read:) Thanks.
.-= Drica Lima´s last blog ..Relationship Mistake: Using Sex As A Weapon =-.
I had a hard time reading these “meanings” because they are all so true. With the meanings and then what I thought he was really saying..was so on the mark it was scary.
My AC has said every single one, except that he has cheated on every girlfriend.
It was so weird because the first of these came on the day he broke up with me for a matter of fact I’m sure he must of set some kind of world record for achieving all the excuse’s in the same conversation! Oh, the others would be “I have tried to make this work every-time we get back together”, which was BS, because every-time we got back together it was the same. He would sabotage the relationship with “I have anxiety”.(another one of his sayings) The only anxiety that he had was that he knew he was a lier and a user.
I had decided to not see him as painful as it was. Can you even believe that I’m saying that, like it is my problem? Yes, he has worked my self worth into a deep hole. But NO, that wasn’t enough for me, so he did call yesterday and asked if I would like to go to dinner. It took me a long time to answer, but I was weak and said yes. Of course, we had a lovely time as usual until he told me how he had gone out all weekend and was talking to a woman in a bar and she told him “my friend thinks your hot and wants to go out with you”. Why did he have to tell me that? Didn’t he realize that it would hurt me to no end after 20 months of being together? So I told him to go for it..there was nothing left to say. Then he just looked stunned and said maybe it wasn’t a good idea to ask me out. So I just told him if you plan on dating and have that need I wont be in your life at all, you will never see or talk to me again. Which he continued to just star at me and not say anything. Yes I finally took a stand for myself!!! it actually felt good. Then all the thought of OH GOD I JUST RUINED IT came in. But really what is left to ruin that he hasn’t taken care of already right?
I did fall in love with him, but the heartache level is so great that its almost a relief to know that I won’t be in contact with him. You would think that a 56 yr old guy would want to settle down and not keep telling me that he doesn’t feel anything since his wives (yes 2 wives) cheated on him.
Maybe he should see what the common denominator is and see that his controlling, EUM, narcissistic, OCD on crack, and a wondering eye would have to do with anything!
I’m hurting that this has ended, but once my self love and worth come back I’m sure that I will survive and see what this relationship really was….which was nothing good. Love shouldn’t hurt so much and shouldn’t have you always wondering where you stand..or even if you have a date for the weekend..or even worse, if after making love he’ll ask you to leave because of his anxieties!!! I am such an idiot its embarrassing.
“It was so weird because the first of these came on the day he broke up with me for a matter of fact I’m sure he must of set some kind of world record for achieving all the excuses in the same conversation!”
Don’t feel alone, dearest gigi… I am pretty sure the excuse-wheel used throughout my last “situation” could put anyone’s to shame… of course, I was the “translator” who swallowed it all.
Those were all outstanding translations, and accurate 100%.
I’m loving your book bundle by the way – on chapter 3 🙂
.-= Aurora´s last blog ..Conscious Awareness =-.
My relationships have all been the same. Yes, we all want to love and be loved except by our own selves. What is with that? I have been in a relationship for three months now and we were and still are (on his terms) doing well. He wants to be friends with his past “love” even though she did not want a romantic involvement with him. He says he needs her friendship. This is not okay, so I have backed off and then gone back for more. After all they are only “friends”. Well I am miserable when I think about it. He has asked me if it is okay if he meets her . He doesn’t get that it is hurtful to me and I don’t get it because I have let it happen thinking he will give up on the friendship he wants from her. Wow, what is that about??
Move on. At 3 months you have a better chance of healing faster. This dude is just having his cake and eating it too… best of both worlds does exist and he is having it. He is holding on to his ex- cause he needs her to validate him. She is the one who didnt want him romantically so he needs to prove to her that he is worth it. Are you gonna wait whilst he does that? and what guarantee do you have that he would stay with you if they happen to hit a spark and get it on?Really, you dont need this. and i am sure he “meets” her without you!
Proud to say I’m 3 mos NC and it’s starting to get easier. The rose tinted glasses are coming off and I’m realizing that I never really had anything with my EUM, which makes it easier to realize… thank god I didn’t win him!! Talk about an almost for sure life of unhappiness. I’ll leave him to his next trophies (victims). This particular EUM was fond of the “I wish I had met you first” and even after he left her…”what if things were different?”. Never could understand why he couldn’t just live in the now and deal with his feelings in the present. But no, always burying them with excuses and running away. After so many times of the hot and cold I finally got so embarrassed that I initiated NC. It’s so eye opening to realize that this issue is really about me, my abandonment issues, and coming to terms with the fact that I didn’t love myself. I am determined to change that so that I never am attracted to another pain inducing EUM!!
Natalie…. Ladies….
The AC’s and EUM’s have there language and actions down pat. What are some signs, sayings, actions of a sincere man? I’m finding that I’m stronger mentally but also a tad jaded now. I’ve been NC for 2 months and may start dating in another 2 months. Just looking to have a better internal conversation about men.
My internal conversations are not good,…about these kind of men. Problem is, I need a model to show me what the good kind look like 🙁 I know they exist, I have faith.
This is too funny!
My ex told me he had an STD and on the same day told me he was a runner.
I said, “Hey, that’s okay.”
!!! ??? ! ?
I think the most important insight I’ve had from this site is not that all EUM’s are bad people and they’re not EUM all the time – it may just be with me because I’m not what they want. The thing that I’ve really really finally learned is that I cannot second guess their motives. What I can do is listen to them and when I realise they are EU then I know it isn’t safe for me to fall in love with them which, for me, means I need to break up with them as I can’t do ‘casual’ (although I can do slow and sensibly cautious now).
I have got – “I want to be with you but I am suspicious of white people.”
Then I tried to convince him that he had nothing to be suspicious about.
going thru NC and a year and a half reading here has made me firmly committed to listening HARD to the things people choose to say and trying HARD to speak my truth. I have always had the habit of verbally keeping it cool about commitment, to protect me from past hurts/ abandonment issues. But I stopped that a few years back and now I have learned to look for a man who is able to speak of the stability of commitment. Not so easy to find. I am not sure if there are a lot of players out there, or a lot of guys with fragile egos..or if having a fragile ego makes one a player.
My latest encounter went like this..friend who knows I am now single wants to date me, but in the first conversation on the subject says that we could just fool around since we are both really busy people. He adds that people are too busy for relationships these days and he could “cheer me up”. This of course would be accomplished sexually.
What I heard immediately is that this is not what I want , and it was easy to tell him we are looking for diff things and I am not interested.
The thing is he often laments that he is single. He may not be a player and very well might want to be in a committed relationship. But as long as he devalues the idea from the getgo..he is sabotaging a relationship before it begins. And thanks to the AC learning experience, I am never going there again.
I see that there is a level of maturity needed to not play it so cool that you lie about what you want. Honesty and stability are everything to me now.
@ Aphrogirl
Great point girl. Have to be able to see the nightmare from the trees. If he as so speaks opposite of committment you are doing exactly what you need to do by RUNNING in the other direction. Mine told me from the beginning that he wasn’t ready for serious relationship but we were in a relationship(on his terms ofcourse) but I chose to let him stick around until I came to my dam senses. Going into 3rd month of NC. HOORAY!!
Another one for your list:
“All of my former girlfriends have been the result of the girl taking the initiative.”
On the surface, it sounds cool, meaning, he doesn’t mind women taking the initiative, but when it’s a pattern……….
In my case, the guy acted out all these things, but never actually SAID them. That’s even worse. The only good thing is I know he wasn’t cheating on me.
Gosh this was mine too. “Awesome” boyfriend, but said he “cared” about me. I broke it off and all the excuses and hot behavior came a
Some of those “messages” sometimes also mean: Hey, don’t try to force me to change into your ideal man. I am not that guy and it’s not going to happen.
The guy is establishing his boundaries in a passive-aggressive way.
Oh Nat, you should turn these little sayings into a little booklet! It would be something great to keep handy in the beginning stages of dating along with the Red Flags!
I so agree. I keep going back to the books and here. Would be easier if I had a cheat sheet.
Natalie, I still think we need to turn these into the “Assclown Jeopardy” boardgame! LOL Thanks for giving me more fodder–I’ll have to come up with another version for some laughs.
In one of his “recent” attempts to get back in touch with me, the EUM said: “One of the biggest regrets I have in my life is not being able to commit to you back when I had the chance.” It had been a year since I had any contact with him and he somehow slipped through. I was removed enough from it all that I just couldn’t let that one slip by unnoticed. I told him he could quit whining because I wasn’t buying it. Told him if he meant it, then step up to the plate. He came back with some dribble (can’t even remember what it was), which reiterated his complete EUM self. Thank goodness I had moved on…yay!!!
I wish I had met you before I met her.
I heard this for 8 years! Now its been 5 mos of no contact from me except to say that I was going to have him arrested if he contacted me again. I feel free……….
I got “I don’t want to hurt you” quite often. And I used to say, “So, don’t” and watch him turn, quite painfully, into a mushy puddle…and then I turned into one too and let him off the hook (-; Ohh, mushy puddles.
But yeah, it basically meant, “I’m going to hurt you.” It’s like in Snowboarding – when you look somewhere you don’t want to go, that’s where you end up going, cuz that’s where you’re looking! (-:
And it’s like, him saying he didn’t WANT to hurt me, was supposed to somehow absolve him of everything.
Well – I guess it does, now that I’ve learned that one! Fool me once, shame on you…fool me over and over again, and I’m probably acting the fool!
I love the idea of a little book you can keep in your handbag – do it NML (before someone else steals the idea) Men:Translated – ‘how to keep your heart safe’
The only way I could do NC with my AC was getting rid of my cell and not keeping his number (I tried not to remember it). This has worked quite well and I have had on contact with him for six weeks and I’ve almost completely forgotten him! For awhile there, I was sure I would never get over him and that we really had a “connection” even though our values were completely different. I did get involved with another AC in the meantime and will now have to start NC with him since he has proved to be worse then the first one. I am convinced I need to work on my boundaries and guard my heart before another AC flatters me and I turn to mush and fall madly in love while getting minuscule crumbs in return. Thanks NML and everybody who has shared their experience, it has been extremely helpful in knowing I’m not alone and sharing the pain! No more ACs and EUMs!
My last AC/EUM told me that I was too good for him and he was right.
I told him to get me off the pedestal that he’d placed me on because I can’t live up to that image in his head and that I’m only human and he was surprised at my comment. I knew right then that I was dealing with a man who has self-esteem issues and from my experience, men who has self-esteem issues are weak and would use their weakness to cheat, lie, and whatever excuse one with that issue may come up with.
Love these NML –
I have another one –
“this has nothing to do with you, don’t you understand?
I honestly feel that this was a time where he actually was so frusturated and wanted me off his back (at that moment anyway) THAT bad to tell me a liiiiiittle bit of truth.
I accepted his words, and the next day he sent a text “hey beautiful, i just wanted to say hi”
Oh man.
One of the things I love best about this blog is that there is a post for just about any occassion. I have been NC with assclown for 2 months and doing well, but had a low day and was thinking about the things he said to me when we broke up. At the time, I had sort of thought they were sweet and he was trying to be kind. Then I found this post and realized he simply had the patter down well – I am certain I wasn’t even the first time he had said it – I was out of his league, he didn’t want to hurt me, he had destroyed every prior relationship and cared too much about me to have me join the gallery of his exes, all of whom hated him and so he wanted to keep me in his life forever as a friend. What a load of crap!!! Is there a course somewhere that they teach these guys this stuff? Where do they come up with this? How is it they all know to say it? My assclown, despite no long term relationships, a load of exes who do hate his guts (many hitting him on their way out the door) and living with his mother at 40, still believes in his heart that he is the ultimate catch. Why? Because there are always a load of women around who are trying to catch him (sadly, for a few months, me included). We have to start taking responsibility for creating and sustaining these guys – their garbage wouldn’t work if we didn’t keep buying it, letting things slide, being more afraid to lose the relationship than our self-respect. If every woman simply told these guys to take a hike, they would learn quickly enough to start treating people right. Why do we keep selling ourselves so cheaply to the very people who least deserve it? A complete lack of self-love, self-worth and self-respect. I am fighting to get mine back. Thank you for this site – you have helped more women than you will ever know!!!
I was just talking with a girlfriend who recently had an EUM come back in her life, thankfully she knows better and we decided that these guys go to the same brainwashing school somewhere!