There’s a new episode of The Baggage Reclaim Sessions podcast!
Here’s what I cover in episode 26:
Just not that into me or unavailable? I was asked about this at You’re Not Going Crazy, They’re Unavailable, and it reminded me about our penchant for believing that a person’s ability and desire to commit is based on how much interest they have. I explain why, yes, it’s possible that someone isn’t into you if it’s early days in the relationship but when you’re several months, a year, several, a decade or more down the line, not only are they taking the beep but it just doesn’t take anywhere near that long to figure out that you’re not interested in someone. Saying that you don’t have enough feelings when you’re a year or so down the line, is the easy, lazy reason to reach for. | Check out 30 Signs of Disinterest
Our relationship with time. I talk about the baggage behind stressing about being late and at the other end, being chronically late and having a boatload of excuses for it. | Post on ‘super late’
Overnight success? Don’t be so quick to judge when it looks like someone is enjoying rapid success at something you want–you don’t know their journey including the struggles and mistakes they’ve made to get to this point or even what lies ahead.
Listener question. This week, Dawn wants to know what to do when you know what your values and boundaries are in principle but you don’t take any action on it and are afraid of experiencing any heartbreak by stepping up. | 30-day project: Embrace Healthy Boundaries
What I learned this week. It was World Book Day yesterday and my eldest went as The Little Girl Who Lost Her No, a book written by BR reader and yoga instructor Amy M. Starkey. We had a chat about the importance of and right to say no and they had some sage advice. Incidentally, Nia (6) has told me that she will run Baggage Reclaim when she’s older and that she would also like my engagement ring when I die–I’m belly laughing as I type this!
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Listener questions can be emailed to podcast AT baggagereclaim DOT com and if there’s a topic you’d love me to talk about, let me know!
Nat xxx
Liked your blog Natalie “Just Not That Into You, Or Unavailable?, Super Late, “Overnight Success”
I remember my days of this type of menagerie, which left me feeling empty, and late catching that passing ship in the night. I’ve changed over the years, becoming a senior introduced me to many of life’s realities, harsh and cold as it were, life prepared me for the inevitable. I often wondered, “Maybe I don’t care anymore?” or “Maybe I’m burnt out?” Then one day the answer came home to stay, “My priorities and interests had changed” at age fifty. For that little ship abri will happen to everyone some day.
For the late ones still waiting for that proverbial ship, perhaps it’s been dry docked for some time now. From my experiences, honestly it was more satisfying living life with many strangers that became friends along the way. In every port I had friends, lovers, and three husbands I spent time loving and nurturing. Relationships are what they are, just relationships, however family is everything. Love is deeper than an ocean when we can love and let go. But then that’s just my view of reality. Blessings!
This was beautifully expressed Camilla. Thank you. I think one of the things–and apparently it’s a very Western culture habit–that we tend to do is put a lot of emphasis one relationship to be our totality or a significant emphasis on romantic relationships to the exclusion of everything else. Not all of our relationships are meant to last. They’re here with us for a time and they’re significant not just for how we felt or even what hurt, but also what we learned and how much more of us we became. Our relationships nurture us and force us to face certain things, to heal from our pasts.
Super cool for your little one, Nat! What a sweetheart for wanting to follow in Mum’s footsteps. Thank you for all your dedication to BR. This website has been a tremendous support for me the last couple of years. I always appreciate your new insight with each new post. What a blessing your work has been for many readers.
Thank you Megan for making me grin in appreciation and gratitude.