Moving On From Disappointment: Are you focused on the person, or on the bigger picture of your life?

Moving On From Disappointment: Are you focused on the person, or on the bigger picture of your life?

When you struggle to let go of someone, there can be sustained periods of rumination and in essence, stewing in what you feel is a rejection of you. If there’s been a series of disappointments, you’ve likely lost sight of you and your values, which means...
Stop Trading Yourself Down

Stop Trading Yourself Down

When I hear about so many painful and quite frankly dubious experiences that BR readers are having, I realise that many of us have found ourselves trading down in life. You’ll know that you’re doing this if you’re selling yourself short, whether...
You Deserve Better

You Deserve Better

You deserve better than being with someone who thinks they’re so special while treating you in a less than manner. Stop blowing smoke up their bum and inflating their value – it’s like worshipping a false idol! That’s not a relationship –...