Yesterday in part one, I lifted the lid on the deceptive and manipulative practice of the Drip-feed Manoeuvre, where the aim is “to control the information and control the reaction. Instead of being upfront and giving you all of the information, they make the private decision to only give you information that they think you can handle at that time. It also serves a darker purpose – ensuring that they don’t admit to more than they have to.”
So why do we do this?
When you habitually spend time around people who lie to you and you accept it, you’re inclined to live on illusions and in denial.
You’ll let these guys drip, drip, drip the information to you because you’re accommodating of dubious behaviour in the relationship. You’re keen to give the benefit of the doubt or to buy into the lies and the illusion because if you opt out, this forces a reality on you where you’ll have to take action. We often delay taking action because often we are afraid of looking closer to home at ourselves.
You always have to remember, that the fact that you try to stick with the illusion and make it real doesn’t change the fact that it’s an illusion.
There’s optimism and then there’s burying your head in the sand and trying to turn a battered pig’s ear into a silk purse.
Letting someone drip-feed information to you is a very slippery slope of behaviour because if you’re in a relationship with an emotionally unavailable man or assclown, you’re already accepting crumbs and now you’re doing that with the truth.
But I’ve been taught to ‘Stand by your man!’ Isn’t this what we should do?
I’ve seen women stand by men who are toxic from anything from a few months to forty years. It’s been ingrained to us over a gazillion years:
Men don’t know themselves. Men are like children that need a good woman to show them the light. A woman’s place is at the side of her man. A woman’s place is behind her man keeping it zipped. Brush things under the carpet. Turn a blind eye. Better to have a man than no man. If he’s not being the man you want him to be, it’s because you’re not doing enough for him. This is what men do. Men cheat. Men have to be taught to want a relationship and how to behave in one. Men this and men that. Without a man you’re nothing. Have a guy, any guy, just don’t be a ‘alone’. He’ll come round one day.
The list is endless and I must write more about this! But I digress…
Men are not children.
You’re not going to be putting Mr Unavailable or the assclown on the naughty step. You don’t withdraw his pocket money, make him do lots of chores, or sit him down and explain the difference between right and wrong and lying and the truth.
As my aunt explained to my young cousin, ‘When you tell a lie it is saying something that you know is not the truth’.
You have to stop trying to raise these men from the ground up and stop trying to teach them fundamental, basic decent behaviour.
This is not him telling you that Santa Claus or The Tooth Fairy exists so that you can retain your childhood innocence for a while longer!
He is repeatedly lying to you through omission, outright lying, and even trying to get clever with wording so that he gets to continue being deceptive, he controls the relationship keeping it on his terms, and he gets to continue to live in his little bubble where he can convince himself that he’s a great guy.
If someone is lying to you it means they are still being deceptive. If you keep accepting the lies which in turn makes rejectionable behaviour seemingly acceptable, you’re actually deceiving yourself.
I appreciate that you may want to be compassionate, not let go of your emotional investment, and yada, yada, yada, but at some point alarm bells really need to start ringing when you ask someone to tell you the truth or they claim to be approaching you with the truth, and then you discover that there’s still more to come.
Drip-feeding you the truth is extremely passive aggressive behaviour because they let you believe that they are engaging in.
And don’t think that this is just limited to out and out lies, or ‘white lies’.
Many a woman has come across the guy that takes months or years to admit that actually, he’s not ready for commitment and he doesn’t want a relationship…
Like I said yesterday, we spend a lot of time trying to get them to admit to this when the evidence is often sitting there right in front of us if we want to look at it and process what it means to the relationship and our ideas about it. We often know everything we need to know without having them say or admit a thing.
Even if you don’t know everything, often you know more than enough!
So what’s stopping you?
You have got to stop being afraid. Fear is what keeps us in poor relationships accepting dubious or even outrageous behaviour.
I’m afraid that if I tell him to take a run and jump because of his dishonesty that he’ll get better/healthy/return to the ‘old him’/become the guy I want, and because I have ended it, I won’t be there when he does ‘change’ so he’ll think I no longer want him, so someone else will get the better him. Why her and not me?
After everything I have been through, I don’t want to lose my emotional investment!
I don’t want to be alone!
What if it is something I did to bring about this behaviour?
Maybe if I love him enough and show him that I’m not going anywhere, he’ll realise how awful his behaviour is, feel remorse and reward me with a good relationship.
Let me spare you, it’s lost already and the more you dig your heels into the illusion is the further into negative equity that you slip.
The opportunity to drip-feed the truth to you shrinks when you’re not content to operate under illusions.
Back in the final Part three tomorrow. Check out part one
Your thoughts?
Nice post.My ex wouldnt cheat on me(at least not that I know of) but I do think he would lie about other things.He would lie to make me think that he was busy when he realy wasnt so I couldnt ask for more time together.All kind of things like “I didnt hear the phone” (when he didnt answer my calls),to “Im having breakfast right now but I get back to you when Im done”(and he wouldnt contact me back until 4 hours later.Realy who takes 4 hours to have breakfast?).One time I even tricked him to find out if he was lieing.I have called him a few times and he havent answered, so I asked his sister to call him to see if he realy couldnt answer or just was avoiding my calls.And guess what happened? Exactaly,he answered the phone.But every time I would confront him for lieing he would just switch the blame to me.He would say that I didnt trust on him and that bothered him and would even get mad at me.Realy is unbelievable what those guys can do.
I remember once too that he holded information from me.We had fighted and he decided that he wanted a time away,but didnt let me know that (I just find it out later).After a few days ignoring me,I emailed him to know what was going on,he explained that he wanted a time way and that he was still upsed with me but that he was in a hurry so he would write another email explaning things better other day.But that email never came.Some more days passed,we started talking again and I never got that email explaning what bothered him.I never could understand that but now I know that he was dripfeeding me.
I just realized today (after reading Part1 and 2) that I have been engaging myself with 3 other girlfriends that are drip feeding me along just like an EUM. I just realized why I was feeling so weird around them, especially when all 4 of us are together having a night out.
I’m trying and working on becoming emotionally Available, and they are continuously being emotionall UNavailable. I keep feeling like I’m walking on eggshells and have been unconciously limiting my interactions with them because I just feel so weird around the 3 of them most of the time. It’s completely dysfunctional, and there’s a lot of drama going on. One person always stirring up the pot, and the other 2 skirting the issues and drip feeding the truths. Yuck! This is awful.
I’m definitely going to do some work on this situation, pay more attention, stay in the here and now and really try to figure out whether or not these girlfriends are worth any more of my time. I don’t think the NCR fits here, but there is definitely going to be some boundary limits set and we’ll see where it goes from there.
THis is a perfect example that there are emotionally unavailable people all around us, especially if we were emotionally unavailable ourselves over the past years. Like attracts like, it doesn’t matter if they are men, girlfriends, co-workers or relatives. Keep your eyes and ears open and look around you. What are you attracting?
Thanks for the eyeopener NML!
You’re brilliant, NML.
You speak truth and in it lies freedom !
Nobody else explains it so clearly in a way that really allows a woman to see what she has been doing – and then able to walk away from a man because she sees the b.s. clealry !
How empowering you are !
Great post NML! Wow, the lies that EU and Assclowns tell and some lie so much that they forget the lies and lie some more. Seems that most folks in my life dripfeed information from my family to the most recent EU. They want complete honesty from me but they don’t give it. I don’t call them on their lies and I know that they are lying but I have tried to give them the benefit of the doubt or think that that somehow they are telling the truth. Gotta work on myself and get real or I will keep attracting liars.
I’m glad to have seen your post. In my learning process about the EUM I was involved with last year, I have been spending quite a lot of time trying to figure out why I would accept such behaviour. I dawned on me that, like yourself, I also had “close” friends who would treat me similarly.
I agree with you that in trying to become emotionally available yourself, it is important to surround like with like. Gets a little lonely at times but in the end, I believe it is definitely for the best, both in friendships and intimate relationships.