It’s time for this week’s episode of  The Baggage Reclaim Sessions podcast! Before I get into that, apologies if you attempted to download last week’s tip sheet on Saturday. My email provider had a technical issue. Most people have been contacted but there were some emails that didn’t come through. If you are one of them and you’re like Where the hell is my download?, let me know and I’ll get it rectified pronto.

Here’s what I cover in episode 28:

Life plans. Why we might be resistant to looking at the big picture, the usefulness of working out your short-, medium- and long-term goals, and how author Michael Hyatt who originally inspired me to start working out my own life plan, suggests that we create a life plan. | Download Creating Your Personal Life Plan by Michael Hyatt-Thanks to Mary Jane for the tip! | Find out the backstory to me thinking about life plans in episode 27 | Thanks to Elgie for sharing ‘mise-en-place’

Are you emotionally available?  I explain emotional unavailability and the key fears behind it. I also share ten questions you can ask you to help you not only understand whether you are emotionally available but also to aid you in identifying the area where you can be more available. | Download “10 Key Questions To Open Up Your Awareness About Your Emotional Availability” | Check out this post, Do you want to be with an emotionally available person? Be emotionally available YOURSELF

It’s not fair when people shame us for not wanting to be friends yet.

Sometimes we need time and space to grieve before we can be friends with an ex. Or we need these to feel as if we’ve dealt with something. It’s a real encroachment of our boundaries when the person who hurt us tries to shame us for not being at that place yet. Some even go so far as to remind us that, for instance, all of their other exes remain friends with them.

Listener Question – Nicole wants to know where to draw the line with setting boundaries and issuing ultimatums. | Check out these posts, ‘Boundaries–Stop Asking For Permission’ and ‘Why Explaining and Re-Explaining Disrespect Is Like Saying, I’m Open To Negotiating On My Boundaries’ | 30-Day Project: Embrace Healthy Boundaries

What Nat Learned This Week: I’ve had a few hypnotherapy sessions to help increase my awareness of why certain things were particularly triggering for me and it reminded me about when people tell me that they overreacted to something. I explain why there’s a basis for the overreaction and that yeah, there’s been a misfire of the energy but that you’re not going crazy if you overreacted.

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Listener questions can be emailed to podcast AT baggagereclaim DOT com and if there’s a topic you’d love me to talk about, let me know!

Nat xxx

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