Every day, I hear from people veering between blaming themselves for ‘everything’ or blaming someone else or even everyone else. Invariably, they completely miss the point and the bigger picture.

Trust me when I say that it’s not your looks, your religion, or that you were in a bad mood one day. It’s not that you didn’t answer on three rings, or that you weren’t patient enough after doling out fifty billion chances. Equally, it’s not all you. Plus, if you focus entirely on other people’s problems, you miss a golden opportunity and necessity to focus your energies (positively) much closer to home.

If by blaming yourself you avoid all information pertaining to the other person and their part, it’s just denial by another name.

Always be extremely cautious of anyone that experiences problems but doesn’t see themselves as a part of it. That said, it’s quite extreme to see yourself as the only source of problems and blame.

It’s time to look beyond you to the bigger picture so that you can quit being dishonest and dodging responsibility. If four people rob a store and get caught and one decides to take the blame, it’s not responsibility. Why? Because it removes it from the other three people. You might argue that the other three ‘might’ not have done it otherwise, but it’s like assuming you’re in control of everyone’s minds.

Taking a more emotionally mature, less child-like position means that you can see where you end and another person begins and recognise your own responsibility. I’ll never forget the realisation that at twenty-eight, I still emotionally responded to certain situations as if I were five or six years old. That sobered me right up and forced me to grow myself up fast.

You also have to stop being a perfectionist.

It’s a bit like going “It’s all my fault or not at all!” You’re not an island. Where’s the middle ground?

You’re the common denominator in every situation in your life. That doesn’t make you responsible for everything that goes down; it makes you responsible for your part. The other person is the common denominator in every situation in their life, which makes them responsible for their part.

It’s also critical to recognise the difference between influence and responsibility. Having little or no boundaries influences someone with the disposition to take advantage or abuse to do just that, but you’re not responsible for their actions. What you’re responsible for is not having boundaries. A respectful person wouldn’t bust them in the first place.

Also consider another perspective.

Get off the blaming horse and look at this situation through the other person’s eyes and be 100% honest with yourself. What do you see? What are they doing? You might not like what you see, but at least it’s the truth… one with more logic.

What are the more realistic reasons why things have happened?

While it’s not the easy thing to hear, it’s actually the lazy option to say “Such and such happened. Oh, it’s my fault.” There’s a lot of stuff missing in between that. Be logical. If you’re going to make yourself accountable for something, ensure that you can pin it to you with a logical reason that if you said it out loud to another human being, they wouldn’t wonder if you’d been at the crack pipe. If it sounds disproportionate to what you’re pinning it to, it’s because it is.

If when you ‘blame’ yourself for something and there’s someone else in there with their behaviour, I’m sorry, but you can’t blame yourself. OWN. YOUR. PART. ONLY.

Anything that truly is your fault is something you’re in control of and able to address.

For example, if someone’s upset tomorrow and I know that the reason for their upset is that I called them an assclown, I can apologise for my actions and resolve to be more thoughtful in what I say when I experience conflict. But if I have nothing to do with it, while I can attempt to help improve their mood, I wouldn’t jump to conclusions that due to my living and breathing and not being ‘good enough’ that I must have something to do with it.  

If you’ve got something to do with whatever you’re blaming yourself for, address it and move on.

If the situation has moved beyond the point of having anything that you can truly do to resolve it, address the issue within yourself and resolve to live your lessons now and in future relationships.

Blaming yourself is highly destructive. The flip side, blaming others and avoiding responsibility and accountability, is destructive to your relationship with them. Blame solves nothing.

Unless you’re planning to never do anything, get off the blame pot and take action. Don’t play the victim with yourself.

For anything you truly believe you’re doing that doesn’t benefit you and is a factor in ‘your part’, what can you do to improve it?

Over the past few years, I’ve improved my ‘part’. I’ve learned to experience conflict and discovered that the sky doesn’t fall down and criticism or perceived criticism doesn’t derail me. I don’t immediately emotionally teleport back to being five-years-old again. I’m no longer a fearful person, I don’t self-reject, and I don’t get switchy and twitchy about the possibility of being rejected or abandoned. It’s more important that I like myself than trying to impress ‘everyone’. I also don’t bust my proverbial balls about disappointments, nor do I blame everyone else.

There are two particular things that we human find attractive about blame:

1) It keeps us invested in a situation effectively helping us avoid dealing and doing.

2) It’s a refusal to either let ourselves (or others) off the hook.

In the past, I’ve made it my vocation to tell an ex all about himself because it was important to me that he knew where he’d failed in the relationship. Equally, I’ve suffered at my own hands by punishing myself with blame.

Be careful of becoming obsessed with being proven ‘right’. By sticking with blame, it’s like resolving to continue on a quest from now till the end of time to leave no blame stone unturned and prove that you’re right to take the blame (or blame them).

Behind every blame is what you’re truly avoiding dealing with . Face that and get uncomfortable. Write it down, be angry, cry, whatever, and then look forward. I found it very useful to ask myself how much longer I intended to blame myself for, especially after a friend asked me that very question.

Something else I found useful was expressing my blame out loud. One day, I said out loud for the first time, “I’m blaming myself for how he treated me because he couldn’t cope with me being black.” I laughed till tears rolled down my cheeks. Voice your blame thoughts out loud.

When are you going to let it go? Say when because holding on forever isn’t an option.

Drowning in detail distances you from objectivity. Ending the blame paves the way for you to heal, grow and learn from the experience.

Letting go means accepting that it wasn’t all you and it wasn’t all them.

Blame is another form of rejection. If you want to stop feeling bad and suffering unnecessarily, the key is to stop rejecting yourself and let [the blame] go. This is often synonymous with accepting that it’s done. Te truth is, though, the relationship (or situation) is ‘done’ anyway. It’s in the past; it’s you that needs to catch up to your present.

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