Welcome to another episode of The Baggage Reclaim Sessions.

In episode 75, I cover:

#relationship goals: I was a guest on the Melanin Millennials podcast earlier this week for their relationships special and we got onto the topic of people posting photos etc with the hashtag ‘relationshipgoals’ and aspiring to other people’s relationships. This got me thinking about how we sometimes put our relationships under pressure to ‘hit’ goals but also how our perception of other people’s relationships is often projection not reality.

The Common Denominator: I explain what it means when we recognise that we are the only person who shows up to every scene, act and moment of our life, so if there are recurring themes in our hurts, frustrations etc, we need to be willing to examine our side of the street.

Links mentioned

It’s OK to want to love and be loved: I talk about why it’s a very real need and desire to love and be loved, but whether we want a relationship or not, it needs to be from a positive place.


Listener Question: How do I stop feeling guilty over my breakup that I didn’t even instigate?

What I Learned This Week: Sometimes we expect too much of ourselves and we have to cut us some slack.

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Listener questions can be emailed to podcast AT baggagereclaim DOT com and if there’s a topic you’d love me to talk about, let me know!

Nat xxx

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