Can a Booty Call Grow Into a Relationship?

Recently I’ve been asked by several readers whether a booty call can become so much more. I must say firstly though, if you know that you’re actually a booty call, should you really be asking this question! Anyway… Booty Call: This is when someone...

Is it so hard to join the sisterhood?

I admit that despite vowing never to watch the damn thing again, for three months each year, I find myself compelled to tune into Big Brother (the UK version). It doesn’t matter that I pathologically dislike the bulk of them; there is just something so...

Advice: Can He Get Over My Cheating and Trust Me?

” My boyfriend and I have been together for 5 years (including a couple of months that we broke up). We have a 4 yr. old daughter together, she is perfect. When I first found out that I was pregnant, our relationship totally changed and he didn’t seem to...

Can’t We Just Be Friends?

Its not long after the words have been uttered that render your relationship over that some form of request for friendship will be made. Its almost as if we have all received some sort of relationship training that makes people the world over trot out the words as a...

Why You Shouldn’t Confront Your Ex

Ex’s tend to throw up more questions than answers. It’s better to get over the desire to confront your ex because it’s a futile exercise which may end up leaving you even more in the dark, or angrier, more hurt, or any number of negative things, but...

Advice: Should I Confront My Ex?

“My boyfriend recently broke up with me, after we were together for two years, with first year not so serious. He wanted to be with me but I wasn’t as interested, but the second year we played house. I would go over there cook him dinner, clean, decorate...

7 Tips for Saying ‘I Love You’

Say it without pressure. Don’t do it because you think you have to; say it because you want to. Don’t say it because someone says it to you. Despite common belief, just because the three words get uttered doesn’t mean that you always have to hear the...