I’m not seeing anybody else.Yes but he’s not actually with you either!

I’m not seeing anybody else.Yes but he’s not actually with you either!

One of the things I learned about dating is that in order to survive, you need to be able to smell the BS coming from a mile away otherwise assclowns a plenty will suck up your time, reduce your self-esteem, and end up making you believe that dating is for suckers....

Happy Valentine’s Day Boo!

If you’ve been reading this blog for long enough, you’ll know I’m not a big fan of this Hallmark day. Too much expectation and drama and not enough emphasis on the basic idea behind the day in the first place – celebrating your love. And that...
Advice: Why won’t he contact me?

Advice: Why won’t he contact me?

Last month I advised Astelle with Advice: Help me understand how my emotionally unavailable man has been treating me and Advice: Why did he respond if he’s not interested in me?. To do a quick recap, Astelle was involved with an emotionally unavailable man who...