We’re often encouraged to be self-aware, but what does that mean? Here are some questions to help you answer the question Am I self-aware?

Do you say no when you need, want to or even should? In those instances where you recognise you need to say no after saying yes, do you learn from it?
Can you forgive yourself?
Do you take care of you?

Can you recognise and acknowledge your emotional baggage when it surfaces in situations?

Do you know when you’re over your bandwidth? Do you recognise signals from your body and life about your needs?
Are you able to trust yourself?
Do you recognise, acknowledge and express your feelings?
Do you believe and feel you deserve love, care, trust and respect?
Can you articulate, love and own your values?
Can you make decisions that reflect you and adjust when needed?
Do you typically pay attention to your gut?
Are you allowed to make mistakes? Do you allow yourself to learn and grow?
Can you be on a level with others instead of putting yourself or them on a pedestal?

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