It’s time for another episode of Why Did We Break Up?.

Swept off her feet by her co-worker Andrew, when Zoe’s 23-year marriage ended abruptly, she moved in with him weeks later, not realising the extent of the gambling debt that he’d amassed. Over the next six years, she sunk her inheritance into paying off his debts that kept popping up like a game of whack-a-mole, alongside coping with anxious nights wondering where he was. It was lies, lies, lies and more lies. When Andrew took some time off between jobs to visit family, she didn’t think anything of it, but that was the last time she saw him. After playing Columbo and uncovering even more lies, Zoe felt as if her whole world had collapsed and felt suicidal at times. Now with intermittent drunken calls from him and her having tried to move on with someone else, she’s ready to hear the answer to the question, ‘Why did we break up?’.


Over-responsible post
Over-responsible podcast episode

Money stories post on the blog
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Additional links

Betting On Potential In Relationships
Despite Good Points, We Deal With The Consequences of People Coming As Full Packages
It’s Time To Stop Playing The Relationship Slot Machine
What’s Your Limit? Deal Breakers and the Importance of Listening to Your Shame Alarm
Knowing When To Fold: Bad Investments in Relationships & Seeing The Bigger Picture
419 scams and self-esteem
Don’t Try To Get Romantic Partners To Step In As Parental Replacements

Co-Dependents Anonymous (UK), Co-Dependents Anonymous (International)

Gamblers Anonymous (UK), Gamblers Anonymous (International)

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Nat xxx

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